Double Decker Bird Feeder

My goal was to make a feeder that would keep the squirrels and raccoons off and keep the seeds from being scattered onto the ground.
Bird feeder, squirrel baffle, 1 3/8 dowel, Pressure treated plywood, deck board
Build the Base

Cut the deck board: Two pieces 17 1/2 inches, two pieces 6 inches. Screw them together to make a cross.
Cut the deck board: Four pieces 2 1/2 x 10 inches. Screw them to the ends of the cross.
Add the Pole

Drill a 1 3/8 inch hole through the middle of the base. Push the dowel through and put a few screws in angling through the base into the dowel.
Make the Platform

From the plywood, cut a rectangle 24 x 20 inches. You may have to make it larger if you have a larger bird feeder. Cut out strips of plywood: Two pieces 1 1/2 x 24 inches, two pieces 1 1/2 x 21 1/2 inches. Screw them to the sides of the platform so they are flush with the bottom.
Drill a hole 1 3/8 inches in the center of the platform.
Attach the Platform and Feeder

Cut eight plywood pieces 2 1/2 inches x 6 inches. Attach four of them to the dowel above the baffle with three screws into each piece; two into the dowel and one into the butt end of the next piece. Slide the platform down the dowel and screw it onto the four support pieces.
Attach the remaining four pieces so their tops are flush with the top of the dowel. Place the bird feeder on top of them and screw it down.
Note: You may have to remove some parts of the bird feeder to do this. I had to remove the base screen and the two plexiglass sheets to get at the wood on the bottom of the feeder.