Donut Peaches - Cooked on the Coals

by Food-D in Cooking > Dessert

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Donut Peaches - Cooked on the Coals

Donut Peaches - Cooked on the coals

Here's a great dessert recipe that's not only tasty, but will wow your guests as you prepare it and establish you as "King of the Grill"

Most peach recipes on the grill require you to cut the peach in half and grill on the exposed flesh but here we're using a far more primal technique and cooking on the coals!

You will need the following:

Peaches (we're using "donut" variety which are smaller and sit nicely on the coals).
Crème Fraîche
x1 Lemon (only half required)
Bag of Ameretti biscuits

Cooking on the Coals


Start by getting your coals ready, light the charcoal and wait for it to whiten and for the heat to be at it's most intense.

Remove the grill and place the peaches on hot coals, turn every few minutes until each peach is charred all over the entire surface of its skin.

Once fully charred remove the peaches and allow to cool, now it's time to make the toppings.

Preparing the Toppings


Mix 3-4 tablespoons of crème fraîche with the juice and zest of half a lemon, stir until it is all combined.

Take a large handful of ameretti biscuits, place them in a plastic food bag or film and gently crush them with a rolling pin.

Set both aside until the peach is ready for its toppings.

Skinning and Slicing


Using your hands, gently pull away at the crispy charred skin of the peaches, it should come away easily leaving you with the lovely bright flesh of the peach.

Take a large knife and slice down the middle of the peach (from the side) and rotate it all around the fruit until the peach separates into two. Remove the stone (for relatively ripe peaches the stone should come out easily but you may need to cut it for newer ones).

Place the two pieces of fruit cut side up.

Arrangement and Serving Idea.


Transfer the two pieces to a serving plate

Spoon on the crème fraîche mixture

Finally, sprinkle on the crushed ameretti biscuit mix on top of the crème fraîche.

Serve and Enjoy!

Video Recipe in Full

Donut Peaches - Cooked on the coals

Now watch the video of us cooking the peaches in full. For more recipes like this you can subscribe to my Youtube channel by visiting it here:

Thanks and Enjoy!