Dollar Store Airsoft Cap Gun

by asda653 in Outside > Launchers

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Dollar Store Airsoft Cap Gun

Found the concept on youtube, decided that the instructables community ABSOLUTELY NEEDS it.

Basically it's a crappy but fun and cheap airsoft gun, for around $2-3 or free if you already have the stuff. (IE. Cap gun, caps, bb's)

My shooting in the video is off, but I still have to iron out a few kinks with the gun. I'm probably gonna start a new one altogether, cause I messed up the front (trying to melt the orange flash hider hah)

Pictures asap.

Gather Your Materials.

Buy a revolver styled 8-ring cap gun, have some BBs on hand as well.

You'll need a flathead screwdriver or knife, and (if so inclined) a lighter.

Pry Off the Flash Hider.

You see that orange flash hider, the one used to make the gun look fake, and illegal to rem- uh, nevermind

Anyways, pry it off with the screw driver and failing that, heat up the knife with the lighter to slice through the plastic. This is the hardest part basically. A straight cut is paramount to accuracy (or whatever tiny bit you have with these things)

Looks pretty sweet if you cut it off, I personally think the snub nosed look is kickass.

Load Airsoft BB's and Caps

Load your BB's into the 8-ring slots opposite where the caps go. Mine worked with 6mm BBs, others might be different. Pop the caps on the back.

Try It Out.

Hopefully yours works, it's hella fun to play with. And isn't a cheap dollar store airsoft gun with bullet flash and actually using the principles of a real gun what the world needs?

Note, mine works using the trigger but some have reported their guns only work using the hammer.