Does Running Affect Leg Mass?

by alqatariw in Circuits > Apple

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Does Running Affect Leg Mass?


Science Fair: Does Running affect leg mass

Step 1: My Problem/purpose:

My problem or purpose for my science fair project is for me to know if something

very common affects leg size, running. My question is: how does running affect leg size?

Step 2: My Hypothesis:

I hypothesise that leg mass does change as you build your muscles while running so leg size/mass will increase.

Step 3: Variables:

Independent variable: The size of the calves.

Dependent variable: The amount of time each person runs.

Controlled variable: The measurement tape/ the age range.

Step 4: Backround Reaserch:

In the human body muscles expand and become stronger and bigger when trained more, the most type of training for the legs is running and everyone runs at least a little bit.

Step 5: Materials:

  • measuremnt tape
  • paper
  • pen

Step 6: Procedure

  1. Get three particepents that are willing to run
  2. let them run for at least 2 weeks
  3. measure their calve size
  4. write down the results

Step 7: Data

Person 1 (least):

Calve size smallest (37.2)

harder to lift things with leg

Person 2 (mid):

Calve size second smallest (38.7)

easier to lift things

Person 3 (most):

Calve size most (40.3)

easy to lift things

Step 8: Data Analysis

Training more increases your calve/leg size and makes it easier to lift things

Step 9: Results

The results i got were that the people who trained more had a bigger leg/calve size and it was easier for them to do things that use their legs and can move better and are healthier than others.

Step 10: Conclusion

In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct in which I managed to determine that people that train/run more have a bigger leg mass and their calves are bigger since they train more and can build their muscles.

Step 11: Application

How muscles are built can be an important part of future studies to understand more about the human body. Soon, if we dive deeper into the knowledge of what helps our muscles build and grow, we could be able to connect it to brain function, and performance abilities.

Step 12: Evaluation

I have used self-management skills during the whole process of this experiment because I planned everything ahead of time and let everyone finish the two weeks of running or less to measure their leg size. And made sure i finish on time.
