Do Not Disturb Door

by kiki54321 in Circuits > Arduino

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Do Not Disturb Door

IMG_20210511_102249 (1).jpg

In many hotels, there are “do not disturb” notices hanging on the door to make sure the hotel workers do not accidentally bother guests. I decided to extend the idea and create a version for students since when students are working on projects, they are often interrupted by parents or siblings; other times, when students are asleep, their family might unintentionally get in the room, disturbing their sleep; this machine keeps others away when you do not want their accompany using Ir remote. There are five modes: very busy, busy, doing unimportant things, you are welcome(let everyone in), or sleeping.


  • Arduino Leonardo(similar boards are also fine)x1
  • Solderless breadboard x1
  • Solderless breadboard wires (M-M x3), (M-F x39)
  • Resistors (100Ω , 1/4W) x5
  • IR receiver module x1
  • IR remote x1
  • red LED x1
  • Yellow LED x2
  • green LED x1
  • white LED x2
  • blue LED x1
  • An empty cardboard box
  • LCD board (I2C_LCD) (since it is easier for me and reduces the time needed to connect the wires to the LCD board without 12C
  • USB transfer line x1
  • laptop/computer to upload the code to the Arduino board x1
  • portable battery charger(charged) x1
  • ropes (optional)

Interior First (the Electronics and the Circuits)

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IMG_20210511_102331 (1).jpg

Link the circuits same as above. It does not matter if you don’t use Arduino Uno as above, as I also use Arduino Leonardo; as long as the effects are the same, it does not matter. I didn't draw it but be sure the LEDs need to be separated from the board, like the picture above. The five LEDs aligned together are the LED lights that will appear outside; the two LEDs aligned (yellow and white) together, are the LEDs inside. The black thing on the side is the IR receiver. I connected the Arduino board with the portable battery charger (charged) to provide the energy needed to power the machine using the USB transfer line. You can change the pin where you want the LED lights or the IR receiver to be, but make sure not to use D2 and D3, as it is actually the same with SDA and SDL (used in LCD board). It will confuse the machine and don't make it function.


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I code my machine in a way so if I press the upper button of the IR remote, the red LED will shine, the words "very busy don't disturb will appear on the LCD board." When pressing the OK button of the IR remote, the yellow LED will shine, the words "very busy don't disturb"will appear on the LCD board. When pressing 3 of the IR remote, "not busy" will appear, and the green LED will shine. Pressing 4 means white light will go on and the words "Welcome!" will appear. At last, when pressing 5, the blue light will go on and the words: "sleeping" will appear.

When you successfully press a button and change your condition (the light), the white LED in your room will glow. When you press meaningless buttons for example * , the yellow LED light in your room will grow.



Additional Information *Very Important Especially for Beginners

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If this is your first time using an LCD board, make sure to download the library first from this website: Direct download ( download After downloading, go to sketches in your Arduino app and press sketches, then select add zip library and select it. After you successfully add the library, the words will turn orange. Then you can use the code now.

If this is your first time using an IR remote, you also need to download a library. Download it from here: you can choose the latest version, but I used the 2.0.1 version. Then, go to sketch, then press import library, then press add zip library, finally, add the zip file you downloaded(like the first picture above). To test the code of your IR remote, go to files--> examples--> IRrecvDemo(or similar names if you are using a different version from mine)(second picture). Then, it will open a file called IRrecvDemo(or similar names if you are using a different version from mine), check your ir remote receive pin first, make sure you pin it in the same place as the setup code, if not, change your pin or change the code(picture 3 and 4). Then, upload the file (IRrecvDemo). After uploading the file, go to tools--> serial monitor(picture 5), then start pressing the buttons on your IR remote. Make sure to record the number given for each button. For example, when I press 2 (don't press it continuously let go after 1 second or 2 and do this for multiple times), there will be a lot of numbers and codes (picture 6), choose only the one starting with FF (picture 7) and the one that continues to appear the most, don't choose the one with FFFFFFFF. Finally, substitute the codes into the code I provided (picture 8) (just making an example here since I did not use button 2 but yeah you get my meaning). After substituting all your codes, you can now use the provided code!

If you want the icons I have on my machine on the cover, here is the file, you can print it out and cut it to stick on your machine(i mean it is not very beautiful but in case you are wondering) (the file on top). I made them on with the elements it provided, I do not own any of them.