Diy Switch for Your Electronics(very Easy)

by heamou8801 in Circuits > Electronics

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Diy Switch for Your Electronics(very Easy)


you're doing a science project involving electronics, but you forgot to buy something; a switch! without a switch, you can't turn your project off easily. but you don't have the time to go buy a switch, because the judges are on their way! feel doomed? well fear not! this project will teach you to make a switch with a rubber band in seconds!

note. this project is only useful when you're using a AA/AAA battery pack!


you will need:

a battery pack(AA or AAA)

a rubber band

A Simple Understanding of Electronics

화면 캡처 2022-05-29 122608.png

let's understand how an electronic circuit works via diagram of a lamp. first, there's a power sorce(the battery)to make the circuit work. next we have the bulb to consume the energy and make light. then we have the wires, to make the energy travel to diffrent places. lastly we have a switch to turn on and off the connection of the wires(thus turning on and off the bulb). in our case, we're missing the switch. so our lamp will just go on lighting itself untill it's power goes out. let's take a look back of the switch. the switch turns on and off the connection of the wires, thus turning on and off the bulb. so we need a way to cut the connection and place them back together to make a working switch.

Cut the Connection


cutting the connection between the wires is easy, but putting them back together? that's a nightmare if you don't have a soldering machine. so let's take the easiest way to cut the connection; take out the batteries! pull out one battery from the battery pack but don't pull it out all, just half of it so it just pops out. fasten it with a rubber band to make sure it dosen't pull out.



it may sound crazy, but you're actually done! pull out one side of the battery and the circuit turns off, and if you press it back down again, it turns on again. thankfully you finished it before the judges came. they loved it! an A! that's the best score you've ever gotten on a science project! be sure to like, and leave a comment of how do you think about my switch.