Dividing Fractions
This Instructable will teach you how to divide fractions. Dividing fractions consists of finding the reciprocal of one number, cross-canceling, and finally multiplying the fractions(no, I am not mistaken).Please vote, too.
What to Get
You will need
-a piece of paper
-a writing surface
-something to write with
-a piece of paper
-a writing surface
-something to write with
Writing the Problem
You need to write out the problem now. Just put your fractions in the place of mine(obviously you will get a different answer then). Make sure your fraction isn't a mixed number. In that case, you must convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Do so by multiplying the whole number by the denominator and adding it to the numerator(see intro picture).
Finding the Reciprocal
Now you need to find the reciprocal(the opposite) of the second fraction. To find the reciprocal, basically flip the fraction upsidedown.
Getting Ready to Multiply
Now you switch the division sign with a multiplication sign. When all that is done, you are finally ready to multiply.
Multiplying (Finally!)
Multiply the numerator of one fraction by the numerator of the other fraction. This becomes the answer's numerator. Do the same with the denominator to get the answer's denominator.
Lastly, you must reduce. To do so, continually divide the numerator and the denominator by the same common factor until their greatest common factor(GCF) is one.
Now that your done, you can go turn in your homework or show it off to your annoying, smart-headed sister.If you have any problems try going through the steps again.