Dinosaur Trophy
This instructable will take you through the steps of converting a cheap wooden dinosaur puzzle into a large dinosaur wall trophy.
Bits & Bobs - Tools & Stuff
Wood Glue
Spray mount (or other way of temporarily attaching paper templates to wood)
Card for shield template
Picture Hanger
Wood for Shield
6mm MDF or Ply for puzzle pieces
Computer with scanner and printer
Scroll Saw (you may be able to do it on a bandsaw with a narrow blade)
Drill with 6.5mm bit
Sand paper and files
Router and bit
Making Templates
The original puzzle was purchased form ebay for about £3.
I then scanned the puzzle piece boards and resized so that the slots for the pieces to join together matched the size of the wood I was using (in this case 6mm).
I then printed them out, I had to spread the image over 4 pages and then tape it together. (you can use paint to do this)
To make the shield template, fold a piece of thin a card in half and draw a half shield shape then cut it out. It is roughly 8” square.
Prep and Cutting
Using the original puzzle work out which pieces are needed for the head and neck assembly. Cut these out and stick to your wood (I use spray mount as it peels off again easily)
Drill a hole at the top of each slot, I used a 6.5mm bit so my slots where a slightly lose fit. (this is fine as they are being glued)
Using a scroll saw cut all the pieces out and then sand any rough edges. Ensure all pieces will slot together.
Using the shield template cut out the shield from your wood of choice and route the edge (I used some rubber wood offcuts)
Mark a slot for the neck to fit into then chain drill and chisel it out.
Fix on your choice of picture hanger.
Finishing Up
Dry fit all the pieces together and when happy glue the pieces together with PVA wood glue.
Hang on the wall and enjoy.
I have left mine unfinished as I fully expect the recipients to paint them.
I made a Velociratoptor and used that as the basis of this instructable.
I also made a Styracosaurus and have included the templates for those here.