Diamond Shape Table Lamp

by ishant777 in Workshop > Laser Cutting

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Diamond Shape Table Lamp


Hello There!

I made this Lamp for my home decoration. I used Local 20W Yellow Light and Some Designing and Lasercutting to make this project.

Now it's your time to make this project at your home and Glow your Space.

I made this Lamp in the shape of a Diamond.


1>Laptop for designing Your own Lamp

2>Laser cutting material (350mm x250mm x 3.9 mm)

3> Vernier caliper

4> Lasercutter access

5>20W Bulb 

6> Bulb Holder

7>Some Wires and Tester with a screwdriver.

8>Adult supervision to Attach Lamp with Electricity

Design Your Lamp in Fusion360

Screenshot 2021-10-19 101644.png
Screenshot 2021-10-19 101704.png

I use Fusion360 as design software to design my lamp and export the Lasercutting files for Cutting and Fabrication.

1>Sketch 200mm vertical Line on Center  

2> Draw a Diamond Shape outline from top of the line to the bottom of the line.

3>start from top, draw line 10mm straight on the horizon.then Draw lines 30 degrees down and 60mm long.

4>draw a straight Vertical line to 30mm down.

5> draw a 20mm line from the bottom in the Horizontal direction.

6> join both points from top to bottom.

7>Now you have a closed sketch that looks like Diamond.

8>Use an offset tool to take an offset whole close loop for 15mm inside.

Make Intersection for Plates

Screenshot 2021-10-19 101806.png
Screenshot 2021-10-19 101725.png

1. In the same sketch Draw 10 x 5 mm rectangle placed at 5mm below the top line.

2> Copy paste Rectangle and Move 10mm below m

3>Copy paste the same Rectangle and move it down straight and place it above 5mm from the bottom line.

4> Extrude this shape and you have the 1st piece of your lamp ready.

5>Use the Circular Pattern tool to make

6 >copies of your Diamond shape Lamp.

Design Circular Intersection Plate

Screenshot 2021-10-19 101745.png
Screenshot 2021-10-19 101834.png

1> Construct a plane on First Intersection’s top plane.

2> Draw Circle 50mm and another circle 20mm inside.

3>Project Interaction of all Circular pattern parts on the Same plane.

4> Extrude sketch to 3.9mm to fit inside Intersection.

5> Copy the same plate 2 times and place it below Intersections.

Export .DXF File

Screenshot 2021-10-19 102040.png

1> We have 2 sketches in the design tree.

2>right click on 1st sketch and Select Export dxf file and save it appropriate Location

3>repeate this for the 2nd Sketch.

Laser Cutting Design in MDF


I have access to a 100-watt laser cutting machine.

I import a dxf file in cutting software and add cutting parameters as per material thickness.

Set material on origine, check Z-height for proper cutting. Don't forget to close Lid of the machine and start the exhaust to catch all smoke from the inside machine.

Start Laser cutting.



After cutting we have 9 cutting parts.

Assemble circles and side strips according to Intersection draw in Design

Electric Connection


Take the Bulb holder and place it inside the Lamp.

Circular cutting will hold the bulb holder.

Use 2 standard cables to connect it to the Bulb Holder.

Connect Wires to Electric supply.

Add bulb in Holder and Switch on the Power supply.


It’s Light it Up.