Possesed Doll ; Anabell


We did this automatizad and possesed doll that will scare anyone. She can follow you with the head. Also she moves the leg and iluminates when the light turns of. If someone apporaches the leg moves faster doing more knock noise.

- Doll
- Arduino UNO board
- 4 distance sensor
- 1 LED
- 1 stepper motor 28BYJ-48
- 1 servo motor
- 1 protoboard
- 26 arduino wires
- 1 resistance of 1000 ohms
- 1 resistance of 220 ohms
- LEGO pieces
- 1 battery
- Bamboo tube
Flow Diagram

Arduino Code
NOTE: To start with the code will need 3 libraries, the first one (https://github.com/mateusjunges/accel-stepper-with-distances) allow us to work with the popular AccelStepper library not with steps, but distances. The second one (http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/AccelStepper/) allow arduino boards to control a variety of stepper motors and the last librarie that we will need (https://github.com/FancyFoxGems/HalfStepper) allow us to enable half-stepping and single/dual phasing for step motors.
Electronical Conections

During the construction of the electronical part its important to separete the distance sensors or putting them in differents protoboards because her readings can be affected and the stepper motor can't move to the correct position
Construction Guide

First we will start building a little box without base with a dimensions of 20x20x10 cm, in our case we use wooden planks to fabricate it.
Then we use a wooden block as an axis and we hook a wooden plank under to give stability to the structure , its too important that this block will be more larger than the height of the box because here they will be the distance sensors that allows us to collect the readings of where are the people. Is in this base where we have to put the sensors, to connect them we use hot glue.
After manufacturing the base we begin working with the doll, in our case it is done of ceramic and inicially suppused a problem because we have to cut her head, and ceramic its a material difficult tu cut without broken.
Surprisingly we did it, but we recomend that your doll its doesn't made of this material. After cutting the head we need to empty the body of the doll to make pass a tube with an axis connected to the stepper motor that its located in to the box. We fabricate our axis using pieces of lego and in this way we can connect it to the doll head.
The next step consists in connect the servo motor with the doll leg, for doing this we use a wire and we join to the axis of the servo motor, with that we can move it up and down and made it chop with the box and generate noise.
Now lets continue with the LDR and the LED. its very important that the LDR stay in a place that don't be affected for any shadow or thing that would affect it, in our case we put it in the top of the box a bit separated of the doll for don't create a problem of interaction. To create a better ambient of terror we located the led under de doll to give the sensation that the doll lights up. The only thing that you need to do to put the LDR and the LED is make a hole in the top of the box for them to pass through.
And finally the last thing that we have to do is connect the arduino base and the battery the with all the elements, the sensors, the two differents motors, the LDR and the LED.

This project has seemed to us both practical and intuitive, in the sense that each time we put into practice what we learned in theory we could interact with the program directly and change instantly to get something more of benefit or arrive at an error that did not come to anything.
As for the Arduino program, we have checked what we learned last year in computer computing classes, and we got answers to the questions before we asked ourselves how it will help me to do these loops, boolean, the "for" "else ".. always learning previously to a larger project is beneficial,no matter how abstract it is.