Devil Face Electric Guitar Diy.

by ubaid88 in Circuits > Audio

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Devil Face Electric Guitar Diy.

I like to you show how i created a electric guitar from using part from an old strat replica. I always wanted unique design. iI was feedup seeing gibson and fender replicas. So i decided to make own design.

Ps I will try upload video of my self playing it soon.

Things Required

An old electric guitar or new if you want risk it ;)

Wood plank. (Must be 1.5-2 inches thick). Size must be according to your requirement.. You plywood as starter. And as for me idont what is proper name of this in English but locally it is called pertal in urdu.


Potentiometers.( Volume and tone knobs, Details later)

Pickup selector.

Pickups( By new one if don't it like from your previous guitar)

Neck (Same is here. By new one if don't it like from your previous guitar)
(Trying to build your own neck is difficult and requires more tools that you might be willing to buy.)

Bridge. ( Bridge should be ok until you new type of bridge ).

Input Jack.

Anything else which you think that is not suitable from your previous guitar.


Jig Saw

Plunge Router( If your are cutting and shaping the body yourself).

Hand Drill

Soldering Iron( For Electronics).

For suppliers.
I don't know them seriously because I brought them all locally.
But you check site like ebay.


Find your scale lenght

What is scale length?

A guitars scale length is calculated by measuring the distance from the front edge of the nut, where it butts against the end of the fingerboard, to the center of the 12th (octave) fret, then doubling that measurement.

If your 1930's Gibson L-OO, for example, measures 12-3/8" at the 12th fret, then your guitars scale length is twice that  a 24-3/4" scale. For good intonation, the guitars saddle will be placed so a little extra string length is added. This extra length is called compensation, and it means the actual string length is longer than its 24-3/4 scale measurement. At the center of the saddle it will be closer to 24-7/8". Compensation varies for different strings, and thats why your saddle is placed at an angle.
Go the stewmac for more details.

Draw a template.
This will make your organize and accurate. It will save time and money late.

Cutting Body and Shaping It.

You can use router and electric jigsaw cutting and shaping the body. Also routing the cavity.

Well i don't own these tool so I took to the carpenter.

But if you want to do it yourself then check this out.

I cannot say any more on it.

Now drill hole bridge, pickup and neck.

Check for test fit.

Preparing and Painting and Polising.

As i took body to auto paint for painting. This guitar painted metallic red and black.

But you can do it yourself.

I tell you how i did very first guitar.

1) Filling with wood filling putty.
You buy this thing or you make by using (chalk power or fine very saw dust or Plaster of Paris) + ( Glue or oil paint)
Do sanding with 120, 180, 220

2) Apply sandling sealer or Wood varnish to seal wood before finishing.
Do sanding with 120, 180, 220 grit sanding papers.
The trick is to remove shiny spot.

3)Apply primer( if your paint requires).
Do sanding with 120, 180, 220

4) Do your favorite color. 3 Coat
Do sanding with 220,320 grit sanding papers. After each coat. Again trick to remove shiny spots.

5) Apply clearcoat. Follow this schdules.
Day 1 :
One coat of clear paint.
Do sanding with 220,320( Again remove shiny spots.)
One coat of clear paint.
Do sanding with 220,320( Again remove shiny spots.)
One coat of clear paint.
Do sanding with 220,320( Again remove shiny spots.)
One coat of clear paint.
Do sanding with 220,320( Again remove shiny spots.)
One coat of clear paint.
Do sanding with 220,320( Again remove shiny spots.)
One coat of clear paint.
Do sanding with 220,320( Again remove shiny spots.)
One coat of clear paint.
Do sanding with 220,320( Again remove shiny spots.)
One coat of clear paint.
Do sanding with 220,320( Again remove shiny spots.)
One coat of clear paint.
Do sanding with 220,320( Again remove shiny spots.)

now leave your paint for drying for week atleast.

Now wet sanding your guitar with following grit. The trick is that you have remove shinny spot and
scratches of previous grit papers.

Or more

7) Now you can do rubbing polish by hand or buffing machine. I recommend to get polished from autoshop.

For detail refer to:

Putting It Together and Wiring.

Now assemble you guitar.

Sheilding is good to use if you want to minimize that annoying buzz you can get from surrounding interference that electronic components such as amps can produce. You can use sheilding paint that is a bit more expensive but easier to apply than copper tape. All you do is paint it on and let it dry. It also gets into the areas tape can't reach. To install the tape you basically just apply it to the inside of the control cavity and solder up any seams that might let the interference through. The soldering can be a little tricky since you have to lay down a long bead of it along the seam. Kind of like welding. Here are some futher instructions After this is done you can install the pots and switch. Be careful when tightening them down not to scratch the finish. Add the knobs and get out your schematic for wiring it up.
For wiring refer to

Also for this guitar i have added an preamp.


Go and have fun with your beast.

It is not final. You can get started into guitar building and it very. Now if you are successfull in your first project you may invest more and be more creative.