Today, we will make the intro of "Despacito" on a Micro:bit using
Micro.bit + Buzzer + Breadboard + Batteries
Make Project named Despacito
Dancing Man
Create the value "Index", place it in a Loop 0 to 5, Pick Random 0 to 4 inside Plot x "Index" y and Leds from the image to create a dancing man who's enjoying "Despacito"
Pause of 5 Seconds
For the "Dancing Man" to actually dance, we will use the "Forever" methode from MakeCode
IF/ELSE loop
First IF Loop with Point X 0 Y 0, Clear Screen
Then, ELSE Pause of 5000 ms (5 seconds)
First Notes
Now, compose the song with the correspending notes from the photos
Second Notes
Third Notes
Fourth Notes
Final Notes
Configuration Breadboard
Connect wires to 0 volt and pin 0. Connect the wires with the buzzer just like in the photo.
Last Step
Upload file on your Microbit, then connect the Microbit with the Breadboard.
Place the batteries with the correspending sign and turn on the Breadboard.