Desk / Worktable
For this project, I used
six 2 x 4's
1 1/4" screws ( 2 at each joint if you use good glue. 16 total)
2" screws ( About 8 should do nicely)
3" screws ( I used 2 on each rail end. 12 total)
scrap laminate top
This desk project was built for Pam. She asked me to make a simple work table/desk for her
art room. You will have to determine length, width and height of your table and cut the pieces to size.
This table finished at 8' long, 24" deep and 30" height. Enjoy!
Cutting the Leg Parts
Begin by determining the width and height of your table. Simply cut four pieces
to the height of the leg. (mine were 29 1/4") Then cut four pieces to the depth of the table.
(mine were 23") Now look at the illustration to see how the lap joint comes together. I did
mine on the table saw. Set the depth of the cut to half the thickness of the 2 x 4. Set up a bump
stop to get the first cut to 3 1/2". (the width of the 2 x 4) Then just nibble the remaining step out a little
at a time. You can also use a circular saw to do this if you don't have a table saw. Clean up the joint by sanding
or a chisel for a nicer joint. Use scrap to get it right before cutting the good pieces.
Leg Assembly
Now that all of the leg pieces are cut, dry fit them to check the fit. You may need to clean
the joint up a little more. I just used wood glue and two 1 1/4" screws at each joint to assemble the legs.
I did not use any clamps but please feel free to use them. Check the square by measuring corner to
corner on a diagonal before screwing together. Adjust until both measurements are the same.
Long Support Pieces
You will now cut three 2 x 4's to create the length of the base. I decided to make mine so that
the table top would overhang the legs at 3 inches per side. So for an 8' top, the finished base
dimension would be 7' 6".
Assemble the finished legs to the rails. I used the 3" screws for this. You can get some help
holding this in place while you screw it together or clamps and blocks. I did not use glue because
I may want to disassemble it later.
Attach the Top
Just slide the top on and attach with screws from the bottom. I used 2" screws to attach
the top. If you add up the 2 x 4 thickness and the top thickness it is 2 1/4". this leaves
1/4" of before you break through the top. Please send any comments or questions and I will try to help.
Thanks for Looking!