Designing an Assistive Jar Opening Device

by 24nilesn in Living > Health

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Designing an Assistive Jar Opening Device


In this Instructable, you will be designing from scratch an Assistive Jar Opening Device, using Parameters which can be 3D printed.



- Computer

- Fusion 360

Create a Blank Fusion 360 Document


To start we want to create a blank Fusion 360 file to begin our design.

Add Necessary Parameters


Now, we will go through and add all of the necessary parameters to our sketch which we will use later in the design. For each of the above parameters, go to Modify > Change Parameters > Add Parameter and add each of them with the correct units and values.

Begin Base Sketch


Now that we've created a document and put in the parameters, we can start the first sketch. Click "Create Sketch" and select the horizontal plain.

Draw the Base of the Handle


Start with a centered rectangle. Set the length to the handleLength parameter and the width to handleWidth. At the end center of the left wall of the rectangle, create a two point circle. Align it to be parallel with the walls of the rectangle and set the diameter to the handleCircleDiameter parameter. Next, go to Create>Slot>Center to Center Slot and click it. Place the first point anywhere within the handle on the center horizontal line. Set the length to slotLength and width to slotWidth. Next, select each of the corner edges on the handle and use the Fillet tool and set it to the handleFilletSize parameter.

Extrude the Handle Base


Next, extrude that sketch to the handleThickness parameter height.

Fillet the Handle Base


Next, fillet the edges of the handle to smooth them out and prevent sharp edges. Use the handleEdgeFillet parameter when typing in the value.

Fillet the Handle Base Slot


Next to the same thing to the slot edges.

Handle Top Piece


Start by drawing a sketch on the top face of the handle. Draw a line from the left side center edge inward horizontal and give it the parameter length of openerTop_distanceFromTop. Next, draw a sketch line up from that edge and down from it with the parameter of "0.5 * openerTop_width". Next, draw a horizontal line from the top point of the top line horizontally with a length of openerTop_length. Do the same on the point of the bottom line. Finally, connect those two open lines with a line connecting each point to get a rectangle.

Extrude the Top Piece


Extrude the top piece sketch that you just drew to the value of openerTop_height.

Fillet the Top Piece


Now fillet that newly extruded rectangle's edges to the parameter of openerTop_fillet.

Sketch the Bottom of the Top Piece


Begin by creating a new sketch on the top plain and sketching a construction line from the right center right edge of the rectangle we extruded prior. Set it to a length of openerPartDistance. Next, draw a vertical line up from and below from the end of that sketch line you just drew. Set the length to "0.5 * openerBottom_topWidth". Draw another line from the center of those two lines across horizontally as a sketch line to a value of openerBottm_topBottomWidth. Draw a line going up from and down from the next line's right end that you just drew and set it's length to "openerBottom_bottomWidth * 0.5". Next, draw lines connecting the left line at the top to the right line at the top and same for the bottom. Also, draw a sketchline a length of openerBottm_upperLoftDist from the left lines you had drawn at the center towards the right. Then draw lines above and below that connect to the diagonal lines you drew.

Extrude the Top Bottom Piece Sketch


Next, use the extrude tool on the new sketch face. Extrude it to the height of openerBottm_height.

Loft the Top Bottom Piece


Now, loft the extruded top face down to the sketched face.

Draw a New Sketch on the Top Bottom Piece


Create a sketch on the top bottom front face of the object you just lofted. Draw a construction line from the center down at a length of openerBottom_lofted_height. Then draw sketch lines from the bottom of that line to the left and right side.

Extrude the Overhang


Extrude the sketch face to a length of openerBottom_lofted_length.

Draw an Overhang Sketch


Draw a new sketch on the side face of the overhang.

Extrude a Hole on the Overhang


Extrude that face negatively and make sure it is set to Operation "Cut".

Final Fillet


Finally, fillet the edges that you created with a value of 0.1 inches.



Finally, you are done! Your design is ready to go.