Designing Your Own H-Cord
Hello everyone, today we are going to design an H-Cord for the purpose of securely transporting phone chargers.
- 3d Printer
- Computer
- Pla Filament
- SuperGlue
- Nitrile Gloves
Design the H-Cord with these cuts. (These cuts were made through TinkerCad)
Ultimaker Cura
Convert the Tinkercad model into an STL file and send it to Ultimaker Cura to 3dPrint.
Ultimaker Cura: Print Rectangles
Left and Right Rectangle Dimensions:
Top and Bottom Rectangle Dimension:
Middle Rectangles:
Left Middle (11.5x30x11)
Middle Middle (29.5x30x9)
Right Middle (11x30x11)
Convert to STL file and print through Ultimaker Cura. (I recommend printing them seperately.)
Use Nitrile Gloves when handling Super Glue!
Glue the rectangle pieces in each hole as specified by the pictures.