Denim Dog Bone Toy

by Josie 25 in Craft > Sewing

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Denim Dog Bone Toy

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Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-08 um 13.47.44.png
Denim Dog Toy Instructable
This instructable tutorial will explain how to create a dog bone shapes toy using upcycled denim clothing! It combines many aspects, like sewing, creativity, and environmental consciousness. In our modern-day society materialism, exploitation, and consumerism has been normalized, which makes it even more important to value what we have got. Especially because thrown-out clothing is a huge source of waste and causes damage to the environment!

Materials & Preperation

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To be able to create this project you will only need to use one old piece of denim clothing, like jeans, a jean jacket or a jeans skirt, scissors, a needle, thread, a paper to draw the shape, a ruler, and something for stuffing the toy like filling wool . Keep in mind that it should not be harmful to the dog or pet in case the toy breaks! If you do not own filling wool, you can replace this with either normal wool, cut up tshirt straps, old newspaper, or fleece and spinning fibre.

a) Piece of denim clothing // max 30 x 30 cm
b) Pair of scissors // 1
c) Dog bone stencil // 1
d) Needle // 1
e) Sturdy thread // max 1 meter
f) Pins // ca. 10

*Preferably a sewing machine, but not necessary

Print Stencil

The first step is to print out a dog bone shape of your choice so that it can be used as a stencil on the denim. Here you can choose the dimensions of the toy, remember that you will have a 2 centimeter seam allowance, and it will appear smaller when stuffed with filling.

It is best to select the size of the toy according to the size of the dog or pet. This particular example was tailored to be suitable for an average sized labrador. The actual toy is 25 centimeter long.

When selecting the size of the stencil, keep in mind that you will need 1-2 centimeter of seam allowance. Seam allowance is the area between the fabric edge and the stitching line on two two pieces of material being sewn together.

Selecting Area

Now that you have cut out the template, you will need to select the area of the denim clothing which you will utilize for the toy. You are free to use any sort of clothing, the pictures above demonstrate it using dungarees. They have a dark wash and were upcycled, because they did not fit anymore.

The decision of which denim to use should also be based on the question how much texture the toy should have. It is possible to choose an area with a pocket or extra details, giving the pet a better tactile experience.

Keep in mind to test if the shape would fit before attempting to cut it out. It is also beneficial to begin with cutting out a smaller section, before going into detail.

Cutting the Shape

The next step is to properly secure the stencil on top of the denim. In case you want to be even more cautious, you can only cut one side at once. Naturally, you will need two shapes of the exact same size, therefore, it can come in handy to use an area like a leg, as shown in the pictures. This, however, makes it more likely for the textile to move.
To prevent a crooked or incorrect shape, you should pin the stencil to the top of the denim. To do that, you enter the pin from the top, move it through the textile, and push it upwards again. This gives it the halt it needs. Then, you can use a marker, pen, or a piece of chalk to retrace the outlines.

Produce Shape

As already mentioned before, you now have the outline of the shape. Hence, you can remove the stencil, add pins to secure both textiles on top of each other, and carefully cut along the outline.
The next step is to place those cutouts left on left on top of each other. This means that the sides which will be outside facing each other. It is recommended that you secure them using needles 1 cm away from the rim, so that you have an approximation for the seam allowance.

Besides that, you should also consider adding a few pins in the middle, so even when you remove those from the side, you do not have to fear sewing incorrectly.


This is where things may become a bit trickier, as now we need to sew along with the seam allowance, however, leave a 5-6cm opening in the middle of one side. It is up to you whether you want to hand stitch it or use a sewing machine. Naturally, it would be a lot more convenient and efficient to use a sewing machine, as hand sewing will be difficult and time-consuming.
If you chose to use the sewing machine, keep in mind that you must overlock the stitch in the beginning and end, to prevent the stitch from loosening over time. To add to that, using the cross-stitch will make the toy more durable and long-lasting. A seam ripper may also come in handy, as there are a lot of curves and mistakes are likely.
If you are choosing to handsew, make sure that the separate stitches are not too spaced out. The closer and tighter you follow this step, the longer this toy will last. Also, use a double knot when securing the beginning and end. Lastly, thread the needle twice.


Prepare the Shape

After you completely sew along the outlines of the shape, whilst leaving a sufficient opening in the middle, you can remove the toy from the sewing machine. Then, carefully cut the excess of the seam allowance. If you skip this trend, the toy may end up looking bulky and chunky. Nonetheless, make sure that you do not cut into the stitch, as it may unravel if you do so.
Due to the fact that you must sew these two sides together left on left, you now have to cautiously turn the sides around. Again, be careful to not tear the stitches in the process of this. Be patient, as it may take you some time.

Add Filling

Next, you must gradually add your chosen filling into the opening. You may be surprised how much filling is needed in order to result in a stiff and firm toy. Do not underestimate how firm the toy must be, as dogs have a very strong jaw and enjoy biting on their toys.

Also, ensure that the corners are filled out, as otherwise, the shape may not be as identifiable.

Handsew Opening

The final step of this instructable is to hand sew the opening that was needed to stuff the filling. You will do so, by threading a needle with a durable thread. Optimally, you will color coordinate this with the shade of your denim. Next, you will enter the needle from the inside of the denim. Meaning, the when both sides touch each other, the first stitch will go from the inside to the outside. As you must tie a knot at the end of the thread, it will remain in this position. The second stitch will also enter from the inside, and exit to the outside.
You will continue this pattern until you have reached the end of the opening. You will have to then tie a very secure knot at the end. You can clean up any excess or thread with small and delicate scissors.
Examine the toy before handing it to your pet, and then enjoy :)