Demon Goblin (9ft)

For Halloween 2021, we decided to make an original concept that we called the Demon Goblin. Standing over 9ft tall its eyes light up and it blows out red smoke from its mouth :)
- 1 inch PVC (over 8 feet)
- PVC 1in elbow pieces
- upholstery foam
- chicken wire
- acrylic paint
- Camping backpack
- clay
- paper towels
- wood glue
- plastic starbucks cups
- power drill
- screws
- Scrim fabric
- scissors
- duct tape
- zip ties
Creating a Head With Clay

After searching thru endless photos of demons or goblins on Google, we came upon this image and decided to model it to look somewhat similar with our own twist.
After drawing out the image, we went to work with WED Clay and began sculpting facial features around a cardboard frame. The face was originally rounded but then features were added for depth
Creating Head Shell Out of Paper Towels, Cardboard and Wood Glue

Once the general shape of the head was formed, we began wrapping the clay with paper towels that were covered lightly with wood glue. Multiple layers were used to ensure rigidity and not being able to crack.
Once two layers dried, we added ears that were shaped out of cardboard. An additional layer of wood glued paper towels was added to the cardboard to attach to the already wood glue face.
The teeth and fangs were then separately formed with wax paper and paper towel wood glue to form a hard exterior. Once they dried they were added to the rest of the face with another layer of wood glue and paper towels to give the face a complete look
Painting the Face

The face was originally first coated with acrylic paint with 2 layers to act as a nice primer. Once dried, additional layers of paint were slowly added and dried to give a rugged facial balance that looked like a monster that had been through a lot.
The eyes were painted on translucent paper and then added to plastic coffee lids and shaped to give a more realistic eye shape. They were then taped from inside the skill to set just right into the eye sockets.
Another paint coat of multiple colors was then added to give the Demon Goblin a more decrepit look that would hopefully be scarier.

We bought hair from wig shops around town. The hair was colored jet black and added with wood glue. It was attached to various parts of the head to look more natural.
Building the Frame

I purchased a backpackers backpack to have a solid base structure to connect to my body. From there, I used PVC 1 in piping and a power drill with PVC connectors to create an extended frame that would reach over 9ft tall.
In order to create a hunched body image, I used chicken wire and batting to wrap around the upper back and shoulders. It was reinforced with zip ties to keep it secure and in place.
Upholstery foam was cut and edged with a knife to give the shoulder shape and biceps shape. It was then wrapped with pantyhose to be more compact.
The arm joints were connected with 1/2 inch PVC and attached together with zip ties to form a joint.
THe head was attached with a power drill screwing into the neck to ensure it would not fall off.

The hands were made out of upholstery foam that was cut out to create long fingers. The hands were then wrapped with wood glued paper towels to create a hardened surface.
Once dried the hands were painted with acrylic and then attached to the wrist.

The under gown was purchased Gray cotton linen fabric that was sewn to fit his 9 ft frame.
White Scrim fabric was then painted with various blots and ripped to be added to give him a more eerie look.
A shoulder plate made out of EVA foam that was painted and added with store-bought chains was then added for a more polished, caged look.
Finishing Touch

LED lights were added behind the eyes that could turn on and off with the remote.
A remote fog machine was purchased and added to the mouth so he could steam from the mouth with a glow.
Demon Goblin Lives

With that, the Demon Goblin was complete and ready for a night on the town. Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy as much as we enjoyed bringing this original creature to life :)