Decorative Bicycle Light

Much like a hood ornament, this decorative light will show the world that you are approaching!
Using an LED, a CR2032 battery, a drinking bird ( and a printed base, you can add a bird to your bicycle.
Using an LED, a CR2032 battery, a drinking bird ( and a printed base, you can add a bird to your bicycle.

Clip away part of the drinking bird's base. This is done so that the tie wrap will slide through later.

Glue the bird's base to the bicycle mount.

Attach two wire wrap wires to the LED--positive will go to the longer lead.

Secure the LED/wire assembly to the bird's beak using wire. I used magnet wire.

Attach wires to the battery. I used aluminum duct tape.

Put the battery on top of the bird's hat. I used blue painter's tape.
I secured the bird's midsection with magnet wire; otherwise, he will spin and bounce rather wildly.
I secured the bird's midsection with magnet wire; otherwise, he will spin and bounce rather wildly.

Slide the tie wrap under the bird's base.

Secure the tie wrap to the bicycle handlebar.

Have fun!