Deburr & X-Acto Knife Combo

by gaceves009 in Workshop > Metalworking

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Deburr & X-Acto Knife Combo

Do you have a seperate knife for deburring and one for your hobby blades...????
 Sick of having to have two seperate knifes...   Well your solution is near...  Follow this instructable
 and you will have one knife that does both....  X-Acto blade on one end and deburr tool on the other...
I did this at The Tech Shop in San Jose, California....

Gabriel Aceves

Step One... Materials

So we are going to need some materials.... 
(1)Gripster X-acto knife Model# X3627 available at your local hobbie shop.
   (1) Twist-A-Burr Model B... available at MSC Industrial supply....  
(1) .290 drill bit
(1) .149 drill bit
 (1) 10-24 cut Tap... 
Drill Press...
  Machine Lathe...  
Tap Handle...  File... 
Band saw...  Calipers...

Step Two... Dissassembly...

Now you are going to disassemble your X-acto knife into its individual
 components...   I forgot to picture it ,but you are going to also need to remove
 your deburr tool from its handle and remove the blade from the tool...

Step Three... Measure.....

Now you are going to take the rod that went through the X-acto knife to secure the blade in place...
  Measure the distance from the shoulder to the end like shown in the pictuere... 
It also would not be a bad idea   to check that the threads on your knife collet are also 10-24...  
If they are not, you will need to adjust the threading step so your threads
match the ones on the collet that secures the blade...

Step Four... Measure and Mark...

Now you are going to measure and make a mark that matches your first measurement from step
 three on your deburr tool...   Measure from the shoulder. like in the picture.. 
I used tape so my mark showed up clearly....

Step Five... Cut Your Deburr Tool to Length...

Now you are going to cut your deburr tool at the mark you made in the previous step...
  This step is very critical so you may want to saw cut it and then use the lathe to get your dimensions correct...
 If you did cut your deburr tool to short the job is not scrapped you just have to cut
 the difference of your finished dimension and the called out dimension off of
 the center tube of the X-acto knife....  Deburr your cut edges with a file or grinding

Step Six... Drilling Your Deburr Tool...

Now you are going to chuck up on the deburr tool in a lathe and drill a .149 pilot hole in the end of your
 deburr tool....   Drill your hole on the edge that you cut off...
Don't forget to spot your hole first so your drill tracks on center...
  Drill the hole about  5\8 inch deep...

Step Seven... Tapping Your Hole...

Now you are going to tap the hole you just drilled...  Use lubricant and get the best threads you can...
 Go 1/2 inch deep on your threads.....
 This tapped hole holds everything together so we want it to be a good clean and straight hole...

Step Eight... Drilling the Little Square Thing...

Now you are going to want to modify that little square peice so that it will fit around the debuur tool...
 Clamp up on it gently... If you clamp to hard you will bend and break the peice...  Drill it out
 with the.290 drill...  Deburr the sharp edges...  Remember the devils in the details...

Step Nine... Reassembly and Completion...

Now you are going to lay all your parts out on the table as shown...  Reassemble
 your knife using the deburr tool in place of the rod that we removed in the dissasembly...
   Note:  in order to remove and replace the deburr blade you are going
 to have to loosen the X-acto blade first...  A small sacrifice to make for the added convenience...
 Please be carefull these tools are sharp....

  Gabriel Aceves