David and Goliath Sling

This is a simple sling that me and my friends had fun with at the local wood. Although it did leave a few bruises!! =]
You Will Need

1) Material (denim/leather is best)
2) Scissors
3) Swiss army knife (for the reamer) / punch
4) Marker pen
5) Needle
6) Cotton
7) String / thin rope
2) Scissors
3) Swiss army knife (for the reamer) / punch
4) Marker pen
5) Needle
6) Cotton
7) String / thin rope
Mark Out and Cut

Mark out a box on your material about
10CM X 8CM
Then cut it out
10CM X 8CM
Then cut it out
Cutting to Get Shape

to get the shape for the pouch you have to cut a third in from the middle of the long side, on both sides

Overlap the new cuts about 8MM and tack it together. Do this on both sides
To neaten it up you can add a litle PVA glue to keep all the threads in.
To neaten it up you can add a litle PVA glue to keep all the threads in.

Punch holes in the middle of the two shorter sides.
String It Up!!

To find the length of the strings that you need place the string from fingers to mouth. Do this twice.
then tie a loop in one end of each string. Make sure it is not a loop that will slip.
then tie a loop in one end of each string. Make sure it is not a loop that will slip.
Put It All Together

poke the loops you have made throught the holes you made earlier (fig 1.)
put the ends of the strings through the loops and pull all the way through (fig 2.)
put the ends of the strings through the loops and pull all the way through (fig 2.)
Add the Finger Loop

for this loop you take ONE of the strings and make a slip knot that will tighten on your finger.

to fire put the slip loop on your index finger and the other end in your fingers.
then spin round either over your head or under arm depending on which you prefir.
Thge best ammo for this is large BB's, like the one in the picture.
It is all about timing so on your first few throws make sure your not near anyone.
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then spin round either over your head or under arm depending on which you prefir.
Thge best ammo for this is large BB's, like the one in the picture.
It is all about timing so on your first few throws make sure your not near anyone.
Please leave feedback.