Darts Scribing Tool

For the back i used a scrap of pallet wood and a bolt and I made the back to look like the shaft and flight of a dart
This project is very easy and can be done by beginners
Materials and Tools

Tools :
drill (drill bit ) , bench grinder ,Stanley knife, ca glue
Materials :
barrel and point from a dart, bold that fits in the barrel, small piece of wood ( 1,1,10 cm)
Step 1 :put the Bold in the Barrel

in the inside of a barrel there are treads that allow the shaft to screw on to the barrel.
after you have found a bold that fits in to the barrel you can put some ca glue on the bold so that is is permanently fixed in place. (pic 3 )
than you can use your bench grinder to taper the bold towards the end (pic 5 )
Step 2 : Drill a Hole

before i cut my scrap of pallet woo to size i drilled a hole that has the same depth as the bold (pic 5 )
to find the center u drew a cross on the top of the wood and tried to drill as strait as possible.
something like a pen blank drill system that some lathe woodworkers have on their drill press would make this step a lot easier .
Step 3: Carve the Shaft and Flight

After treating the bold on the drilled hole you can begin to carve the shaft.
I was basically trying to make a square piece taper towards a round piece i did this by cutting of he 4 corners (pic 1 ) and than making it fit on to the barrel (pic 2,3,4)
Than i made a v groove in the Square end of the piece (pic 5,6,7)
Step 4 : Finishing

than i sanded to 400 grid to make a very smooth surface.
at that point i saw that a there was a crack at the bottom of the shaft. i filled the crack with ca glue and than sanded it again