Dancing Sunflower Arduino Sculpture
by ces363 in Circuits > Arduino
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Dancing Sunflower Arduino Sculpture

This project, the Dancing Sunflower is a sculpture that changes based on the amount of light in the room it is placed in. It consists of a flower made out of cardboard that twists back and forth or “dances” when it is light out and lights up when it is dark, based on input data from a light sensor. The sensor begins to collect data once an on switch is flipped. Then, if the amount of light is less than half of the typical sensor reading in a light room, the sculpture is still and the LEDs below the center light up to make it glow. Once it becomes lighter than half of the light in an average room, the LEDs shut off and the petals begin to spin in alternating directions using a DC motor. The petals are made out of cardboard and the center of the flower is made out of plastic and paper to allow light to come through.
- Arduino
- Breadboard
- 9V BatteryBattery Holder
- H bridge
- Switch
- Wires
- Wire Connectors
- 1K Ohm Resistor (2)
- 220 Ohm Resistor (4)
- Red LED (2)
- Green LED (2)
- DC Motor
- Light Sensor
- Cardboard
- Paper
- Plastic
- Tape

Using the circuitry supplies, assemble the circuit on the breadboard as shown in the circuit diagram. An image of the completed circuit is also included as an example.
Mechanical Assembly

Cut two 2”x2” squares out of cardboard, fold in thirds and tape into a triangular prism shape to create a cardboard stand (Figure 1). Prop the DC motor on the stand. Cut a .5”x.5” square out of cardboard and poke a hole in the center so it can be taped to the base of the DC motor without touching the axle. Poke holes in the square and stick LEDs through them, bending the LED wires so they are at 90 degrees (Figure 2). Use wire connectors to connect LEDs and motor to breadboard. Cut a 1” radius circle out of the plastic from the top of a sushi container or a similar material. Cut small flower petals out of the cardboard and tape them around the circumference. Cut a .5” radius circle out of paper and tape it in the middle of the plastic circle (Figure 3). Tape a short wire from the kit to the bottom of the plastic circle and tape the other end of the wire to the axle of the DC motor, making sure that the wire is long enough that the flower is above the LEDs (C Figure 4).
Operation Instructions
Put the switch to the “on” position. If it is lighter than the average amount of light in the 3780 Lab room, the motor will cause the petals to move and the LEDs will be off. If it is darker than the average amount of light in the 3780 Lab room, the motor will turn off and the LEDs will turn on. When finished using, turn the switch off and the LEDs and motor will both turn off.