Daily Hexagonal Puzzle

by shiura in Living > Toys & Games

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Daily Hexagonal Puzzle

Daily Hexagonal Puzzle, 3D printed
スクリーンショット 2022-05-01 13.25.35.jpg

Hexagonal tiling puzzles with daily different goals

  • Arrange the pieces so that cells of your preferred day are visible.
  • You can enjoy the puzzle every day. It has daily different goals.
  • I confirmed there is at least one solution for every case.
  • The smaller versions can be solved without flipping pieces, so you can enjoy the puzzle three times every day.
  • [Update] Web service to get hints and solutions is provided. (61 cells) (43cells ver.1) (43cells ver.2)

There are three versions with different difficulty levels

  • 61 cells : difficult version with cells of months, dates and days of the week. There are blank cells to fill the board.
  • 43 cells ver.1: relatively easier and smaller version with 43 cells of months and dates. No blank cells.
  • 43 cells ver.2 : less symmetry (= more independent filling patterns), the easiest version.

Smaller versions (43cells ver.1 and 2) are solvable even if the pieces are not reversed.

  • You can enjoy the puzzles three times a day. 1st : using both sides, 2nd : a single side only, 3rd : all pieces reversed
  • Print all pieces with two layers (different colors on top and bottom).
  • That might make the puzzle more difficult.

note : This design is published under a CC BY-NC-SA (non-commercial) license, but the following is individually permitted by me.



All you need is common 3D printers (you do not need multi-material printers).

  • If the part does not fit into the build table of your printer, you can shrink them a bit.
  • If you use "piece43.stl" for "board43-ver2.stl", there are some unsolvable days. Please use "piece43-ver2.stl" for "board43-ver2.stl". (Contrary, you can use "piece43-ver2.stl" for "board43.stl".)

Print Base Board


To give a different color to the texts and grid lines using common 3D printers, use "Pause at height" function of Cura slicer (see the picture above) to switch the material during 3D print. Change the material at height=1.1mm (smaller version) and height=1.5mm (larger version).

Print Pieces


You can print the all pieces at once.

Covering cases are provided here.


スクリーンショット 2022-05-01 13.22.26.jpg
スクリーンショット 2022-05-01 13.25.35.jpg
  • [Update] Too difficult? Do not worry. Now web service (61 cells) (43cells ver.1) (43cells ver.2) to get hints and solutions is provided. It can reveal limited number of pieces so you can adjust the difficulty level as you like. Presented solutions are randomly changed, so you can enjoy the puzzle multiple times per day.
  • The larger version has daily different goals for 7 years (2604 patterns = 12 months x 31 dates x 7 days of the week ). Since the board design is symmetric, it actually has less arrangement pattens. But do not worry, it is almost impossible to memorize the arrangement of the pieces. Therefore this puzzle is actually infinitely enjoyable.
  • Actual (independent) arrangement patterns of "43cells-ver1" version is only 35, because of the rotational and mirror symmetry. "43cells-ver2" has 153 independent goals.
  • Larger version is quite difficult and might take around 10 - 60 min to solve by adults. Smaller version is easier.
  • I confirmed there is at least one solution for every case using my solver program. Solutions for the smaller versions at Github are under the condition of single sided pieces (solved without flipping pieces).