DURANKA Solar Tracking System GPS Software

by duranka in Workshop > Energy

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DURANKA Solar Tracking System GPS Software


An automatic sun tracking device with solar tracking system and GPS software is designed to efficiently utilize sunlight by tracking its position throughout the day. This device uses GPS to determine the position of the sun, and then adjusts solar panels or a solar energy collector accordingly.


#include <Servo.h>
#include <TinyGPS.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define RX_PIN 4 // GPS modülünün RX pini, Arduino pin 4'e bağlı
#define TX_PIN 3 // GPS modülünün TX pini, Arduino pin 3'e bağlı

#define LDR_PIN A0 // LDR sensörünün pin'i, analog pin A0'e bağlı

#define SERVO_PIN 9 // Servo motor kontrolü için pin

Servo servoMotor;

TinyGPS gps;
SoftwareSerial gpsSerial(RX_PIN, TX_PIN);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  while (gpsSerial.available() > 0) {
    if (gps.encode(gpsSerial.read())) {
      double latitude, longitude;
      gps.f_get_position(&latitude, &longitude);
      // Güneşin pozisyonunu belirleme - Basitçe doğrudan üstte olduğunu varsayalım
      // Gerçek projelerde daha karmaşık trigonometrik hesaplamalar yapılmalıdır
      // LDR sensöründen ışık yoğunluğunu okuma
      int lightIntensity = analogRead(LDR_PIN);
      // Güneş panelini ayarlama
      adjustSolarPanel(latitude, lightIntensity);

void adjustSolarPanel(double latitude, int lightIntensity) {
  // Güneş panellerinin açısını belirleme - Örnek kod, sadece ışık yoğunluğuna bağlıdır
  // Gerçek projelerde güneşin pozisyonunu da dikkate almak önemlidir
  // Örnek bir ışık yoğunluğu eşik değeri
  int threshold = 500;
  if (lightIntensity > threshold) {
    // Güneş panelini güneş ışığına doğru hareket ettirme
    servoMotor.write(90); // Servo motorun açısını 90 dereceye ayarla
  } else {
    // Güneş panelini güneş ışığına doğru hareket ettirme
    servoMotor.write(0); // Servo motorun açısını 0 dereceye ayarla



  1. Arduino or similar microcontroller board
  2. Solar panels or solar energy collector
  3. Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) sensor
  4. GPS module
  5. Servo motors (for moving solar panels or collector)
  6. 12V battery or solar panel
  7. Jumper wires
  8. L298N motor driver board (optional, for controlling servo motors)


1. Circuit Connection:

  • Connect your Arduino board to a power source.
  • Connect the GPS module to Arduino.
  • Place the LDR sensor in a position to detect sunlight and connect it to Arduino.
  • Connect the servo motors to Arduino. Use an L298N motor driver board if necessary to control the servo motors.

2. Code Writing:

  • Open Arduino IDE or your preferred software development environment.
  • Write code to read data from the GPS module, which will be used to determine the position of the sun.
  • Read data from the LDR sensor and use it to determine the intensity of sunlight.
  • Write code to control the servo motors. This code will move the panels or collector based on the position of the sun.

3. GPS Software:

  • Add GPS library to your Arduino code to read data from the GPS module.
  • Perform trigonometric calculations using GPS coordinates to determine the direction of the sun.
  • Write code to implement the mathematical formulas required for these calculations.

4. Testing and Calibration:

  • Assemble the circuit and upload the code to your Arduino board.
  • Test whether the device operates correctly at different positions of the sun.
  • Fine-tune the code and hardware, adjusting and calibrating for better performance as needed.

5. Power Supply:

  • Connect the device to a power source, which could be a battery or a solar panel.
  • If using solar energy, connect the solar panel properly and utilize it to charge the device's battery.


By following these steps, you can successfully build an automatic sun tracking device with solar tracking system and GPS software. This device can enhance solar energy production by efficiently tracking the sun's position and can be utilized in various applications. Ensure proper mounting and testing of the device for safety and reliability. DURANKA