DNA / RNA Layered Art

In this Instructable, I will be showing you how to make a cool layered art sculpture of DNA/RNA!
DNA holds genetic information, which determines everything about you. DNA is in the shape of a double helix. RNA is like half of a strand of DNA that can help to describe how to "copy" DNA.
Sheets of clear plastic
4 colors of rhinestones of different size
8 wooden sticks
4 thick straws
Form or some thing sturdy for base
Tools: Hole puncher, Scissors, tape, markers
Print Out Template

Print out two templates each with one polar-grid with 20 degree spacing (circles divided into 18 sections). Label the numbers as shown for easy tracking.
We have designed two double-strand DNAs and one RNA. This single strand RNA sits on the right circle. The DNA on the left will split, with one strand wonder off and the other end join the single strand RNA on the left to form another DNA on the right at the bottom.
Punch Holes in Plastic Sheets

Use the hole puncher to punch two holes on the opposite side of each plastic sheet. Or you can use single hole puncher to punch one hole around each corner. Test & Space it so that the two holes properly for better support given your selected plastic sheet.
Tape Together Sticks

Tape together 4 pairs of sticks. Each stick is 12-inch and with two connected to 24-inch is the height of our structure.
Cut the Spacers

Cut the straws into even chunks. You may want to use a portion of a toilet paper roll, as shown, to make sure that all of the spacers are the same height. The size of the straw should be slightly larger than the size of the hole you just punched.
Place the Rhinestones

Place the plastic sheet onto the template. Place rhinestones on opposite sides, on intersections of the circles and the lines. This creates a line of rhinestones.
It's optional to use the 4 colors to represent the 4 bases that make up DNA: A, C, T, and G. A pairs with T and C pairs with G. In ours, red pairs with pink and blue pairs with cyan.
Remember which diameter line you put the rhinestones on. For the next sheet, put the rhinestones on the angle one sector clockwise from the previous. Doing this repeatedly makes the helix or double helix seen in RNA or DNA. You might want to mark as you go so you do not lose track.
The design is up to you. Our design started off (with top left circle) with two-strand DNA, which then split after a spiral. One strand wonder off and the other joins into the RNA (on the right circle) to form a copy of new DNA. You can see its connection portion into RNA the last picture-- the stroke that connect to the circle is the track of the RNA-joining strand of DNA.
*Note* This is an "artistic" version of a DNA/RNA model so please excuse us on any scientific details :)
Start the Base

Put the 4 sticks into the foam base corresponding to position of holes on the plastic sheet. Add one spacer on each stick.
Add the Sheets (and Spacers)

Alternate adding sheets and spacers. Make sure that they are in the right order.
The 4th and 5th images, show the point when one of the two DNA strands join RNA and the other lonely strand drifts away.
End Result!