DIY Portable Sound Booth
I needed an external microphone to use when recording on my iPod. I used a (cheap) lapel mic to build a portable recording booth out of a milk crate, some foam, and a new pair of chopsticks.
What next? A YouTube video of course!
What next? A YouTube video of course!
I taped the label mic to a pair of new chopsticks. I clipped the mic to the chopsticks and then used tape to attach the cord to the back of them.
I recycled a milk crate, lining it with foam to dampen sound.
I cut a slit in the foam at the top and inserted the chopsticks and microphone.
Voila! A portable homebrew sound booth.
I cut a slit in the foam at the top and inserted the chopsticks and microphone.
Voila! A portable homebrew sound booth.