DIY Lava Lamp Without Alka-seltzer

by sergio mendes in Workshop > Lighting

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DIY Lava Lamp Without Alka-seltzer

My teacher told to make a lamp and I decided make a lava lamp.
I searched for lava lamps i only found lamps which was necessary put alka-seltzer to work, what i consider a fake lava lamp.
Me and my colleague have decided do the same project and make an instructable, he posted the project 1st and he got all the profit xD.

What you need is:
an aluminum can
a colorless glass bottle
cooking oil
lamp socket
a lamp

Preparing the Bottle

Part 1- prepare the alcohol.
Put a few drops of colorant in the alcohol and shake (I used red)

Part 2
Put the oil in the bottle (isn't necessary paint it)

Part 3
fill the bottle with the already painted alcohol and go adding water when the oil rise, stop there.

Part 4
close the bottle (I noticed when the lamp warms a lot content in the bottle tends to rise out of the bottle, so i recommend don't fill up at max)

Doing the Electrics

Connect the wire to the switch,plug and the lamp socket.
Glue the lamp socket in the can lid, you also can use wood or any metal to support the lamp.

Preparing the Can

Make a hole in the can bottom (now it will be the top)
Cut a net disk to put over the hole made before
Drill a hole in the can to pass the wire
Put the cap on the bottom of the can
opcional- wrap the can with aluminum foil (to look better).


now is just place the bottle in top of the can and turn on the lamp.
if the oil dont don't rise add water or if the oil is always on top add alcohol.
Sorry for my bad english. :)