"DIY" Airsoft Blow Gun

Cool, right?

For this, you are going to need a variety of supplies that can commonly be found around the house; they are:
A lot of paper
Some Time
You will Also need a variety of things you DON'T have around the house; these are:
An airsoft barrel (length isn't too important)
A handle or two (you can be creative here, you could make it out of knex or someting if an airsoft gun's foregrip isn't at hand)
BB's (Any weight, doesn't really matter)
A lot of paper
Some Time
You will Also need a variety of things you DON'T have around the house; these are:
An airsoft barrel (length isn't too important)
A handle or two (you can be creative here, you could make it out of knex or someting if an airsoft gun's foregrip isn't at hand)
BB's (Any weight, doesn't really matter)
Building the Body

Lets get started! The first thing you are going to need is the paper; this 10-25 pile of paper is going to be forming the body of your gun. So what you have to do is stack all this paper up in a neat pile, and roll it into a long, pretty small tube. Be sure not to make the paper tube's hole TOO small, you're going to need slide the barrel inside it! NOTE: The more paper you use for your body, the stronger it's going to be, but also the heavier the gun will be; I used about 25 sheets for my gun. After you're done this, wrap tape around it to prevent the paper form unrolling, you may want a friend to help you with this part. Place the barrel in the hole you've left in the the tube, leaving 1 or 2 inches left of the barrel showing, and tape it so that it wont slide out. Be sure not to tape over the ends of the barrel; for then your gun then will not have the ability to shoot!
Attaching the Handle

For this step, I used an old airsoft gun's detachable fore-grip, which I (very generosly) taped AND glued to close to the back of the body. For this step, all you have got to do is tape your handle to the body, be sure to use a lot of tape; this handle will be carrying the guns entire weight! I used clear tape for the sake of of the gun's looks, but feel free to use duct tape!
You are now done the basic model of your gun. If you want to play with it now, go ahead!
You are now done the basic model of your gun. If you want to play with it now, go ahead!
Loading and Firing

To load and discharge the gun, place the BB into the barrel, place your mouth on the barrel, and blow (tee-hee)

Here's the fun part; If you're a veteran airsofter who just wants bragging rights for constructing this awesome-looking gun, this is your step!
This is where you can buy tactical rails from an airsoft store or remove them from one of your older guns, tape them to your gun, and o wild with attachments!
At one point, I had a sniper scope, a bi-pod, a laser, and a flashlight mounted to my gun. Truthfully, the gun looked completely outrageous, but I thought it was just complete overkill awesomeness.
This is where you can buy tactical rails from an airsoft store or remove them from one of your older guns, tape them to your gun, and o wild with attachments!
At one point, I had a sniper scope, a bi-pod, a laser, and a flashlight mounted to my gun. Truthfully, the gun looked completely outrageous, but I thought it was just complete overkill awesomeness.

I have tested this gun for quite a while now, and here's what i think:
150+ FPS ( I know, it sounds crappy, but remember this is powered by your lungs, not a steel spring)
50-100 ft effective range (depends on how well you know your gun, and your lung strength.)
2-3 pounds
150+ FPS ( I know, it sounds crappy, but remember this is powered by your lungs, not a steel spring)
50-100 ft effective range (depends on how well you know your gun, and your lung strength.)
2-3 pounds