DIY Winged Ear Wrap
Cut a Piece of Wire...
Draw Out Your Game Plan
Take your wire (still on the spool/coil) and wrap the end about a third of the way down the ear wire. It's easier if you clamp the ear curve and the long end of the wire with pliers in one hand and use your other hand to wrap the short end.
Snip off the excess short end.
Start Shaping...
Add Definition
To make a nice pointy wing feather tip, grab the "wing feather" just a bit off from where you want the crease with pliers. Press the wire so you get a nice 90 degree-ish bend, then roll your plier-hand counter-clockwise a bit to get that hook-y tip. Go around where needed with pliers to curve the wing feather.
Moving On
Get Spikey
Make more wing feathers and anchoring your working wire as you go. When you reach the last two baby feathers, make a loose M shape first, then go back in and pinch the middle of the M to get a more defined corner.
Wrap the working wire around the ear wire a couple times and snip off.
Completion (?)
Now, I could've stopped here, but I didn't like how it looks kind of messy because the wing feathers are sprawling apart....
Tie It Up
My solution to the "sprawling feathers" problem was to tie them up together. Bring a piece of wire under two neighboring "wing feather" wires and cross them. Then pull on both ends really hard so the know won't slip.
Clip Off
Make more of these little knots on the other "wing feathers" that are too spread out.