This is a UFO lamp which uses simple household items!
It takes only 10-15 minutes to make and serves as a showpiece, a nightlight as well as a normal lamp!
So, what are you waiting for! Let's get started!
All you need is :
A small torch or a superbright led (with a battery)
A tall plastic glass (I stuck 2 of them back to back)
2 paper/plastic plates
A marker
Optional :
Clay (for decorations)
That's it!
Fitting the Torch
Trace around the torch with a marker. Then cut out the hole. The torch should fit snug in there.
The torch I used had 6 leds in it making it really bright.
You can also use a suprbright led connected to battery.
Painting and Decorating
Now it's time to paint!
I mixed white and black acrylic paint to make a gray tone.
You can also spray paint it in silver, reducing the effort. After it dried, I used the marker and made some simple decorations on it. You can decorate it in any way you want.
Assembling the Lamp
I used Hefty's interlocking plates, which snapped shut together when pressed against each other. You can also glue the plates together. The reason I used these plates was because I could easily replace the battery of the torch if it died out.
Next, I took the glass and lined the edge with glue.
Then, I put the UFO on top and left it to dry.
I also I added some simple decorations.
I cut out a circle of cardboard and took a Lego minifigure (sorry Robin :P) and stuck him on the cardboard.
You can also make a clay animal, add some grass and make other crazy sorts of decorations.
All you have to do is turn on the light, and you're done!
Clearly, Robin was shocked because he was going to be abducted by a UFO :P
If you liked this instructable, favourite and any suggestions in the comments will be welcome :)