DIY Silicon Cable Organizer

There have been a lot of mess on my table lately due to headphone wire, mouse , keyboard and mobile charger. so I got an idea with the extra silicon sealant I had in my drawer for a month. As it is pure silicon and takes about 1 hour to cure, it was perfect to make a cable organizer (pretty cheap too). Its just a proof of concept and im sure one of you with creative skills will make it way more presentable.

silicon sealant
glass surface(silicon releases acetic acid while curing)
A mould of desired shape you want (let your imagination run wild)

spread a layer of silicon sealent on the glass surface, about halft the thickness of the total thickness you prefer your organizer to be.

place some spare wires on that layer, , cover the point of contact with scotch tape so when the silicon is cured the can be pulled out easily

cover the wires with more silicon sealant and let it cure

now remove the wires by cutting a line from the top and place the silicon on the table(use double tape to fix it). insert the required cables and enjoy a organized desk.