DIY Potpourri Packets
Potpourri packets are an easy and affordable way to boost the scent of a small space.
Obtain Materials
- One ruler
- One pipe cleaner
- One pair of scissors
- Thin fabric of your choice (we used an old cotton t-shirt)
- One needle and thread (any color thread will do)
- Approximately 15 grams ( ½ ounce) of potpourri
Measuring the Fabric
- Use a ruler to measure two 4 inch x 6 inch rectangles on the fabric.
Cutting the Fabric
- Cut out both 4 inch x 6 inch fabric rectangles using your scissors.
- Place fabric rectangles on top of each other so that they are aligned.
Thread the Needle
- Cut 40 inches of thread using a pair of scissors.
- Feed 20 inches of thread through the eye of the needle so that the thread is folded in half (shown in photo above).
- It may help if you lightly wet the tip of the thread before putting it through the eye of the needle (the tiny hole on the top).
- Tie off the end of the thread.
- Make sure you knot it a few times at the same location so that the knot catches on the fabric when you start sewing.
- Push needle through both fabric pieces about 1 centimeter from both the 6 inch and 4 inch edge.
- Be careful since the needle is sharp.
- Pull thread through until it is stopped by the knot.
- Push needle through both fabric pieces again, on the opposite side from the last step.
- Each stitch should between ¼ inch and ½ inch in length. Do not pull too tight.
- Continue sewing around 3 edges of the fabric pieces.
- Knot the thread close to the fabric once you are done sewing so that it does not break loose.
- At this point, one of the 4 inch sides will not be sewn shut. This should resemble a pocket, so be sure to leave one edge open.
Cut Off Extra Material
- Cut off excess corners of fabric. Make sure you do not cut the thread.
- Fold the material inside out so that the thread is mainly visible on the inside.
Adding the Potpourri Pipe Cleaner
Stuff the packet with potpourri until it is about 80% full.
Place the pipe cleaner parallel to the open 4 inch edge. It should be placed 1 inch from the top. Wrap the 1 inch of fabric over the pipe cleaner to close it off.
- Twist the pipe cleaner similarly to how you would a bread tie. This will secure the potpourri inside the packet.
- Once the scent fades over time, simply untwist the pipe cleaner and replace the inside contents with fresh potpourri.
- Enjoy your potpourri packet!