DIY Party Chick Pin
Learn how to make a tiny party hat. Then make a sweet little DIY Party Chick Pin in just a few simple steps in this installment of Make it, with Madge! We make it easy to make it fabulous!
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You Will Need:
You will need:
- Tiny chick
- Tiny frame (Michaels)
- Felt doily circles (Michaels)
- Pin back
- Adhesive backed craft jewel
- Washi Tape
- Neon pink Post-it note
- Aleene's Clear Gel Tacky Glue
- Tape runner
- Quarter
- Pen
- Scissors
Steps 1-9
One: Gather materials. Two: Add washi tape to Post-it. Three: Trace quarter, you are making a pie shape, basically the shape is like a clock at 20 after the hour. Trace the quarter, then mark a line from center point to arc. Four: Cut out shape as shown. Five: Round shape around pen to add a curve. Add adhesive to edge of shape using tape runner. Six: Make party hat, sticking one side over the other to make a cone and pressing edges together. Seven: Glue hat to chick. Eight: Let hat dry. Nine: Trace background for frame.
Steps 10-18
Ten: Cut paper to fit frame. Eleven: Place three strips of washi tape across paper. Cut to edges. Twelve: Glue paper to frame. Thirteen: Glue chick to right inside of frame. Fourteen: Let dry. Fifteen: Glue felt pieces together. Sixteen: Glue frame to felt. Seventeen: Add jewel sticker. Eighteen: Glue pin back to top back of felt.
Make More!
That's it, now make more! You can change up the colors and themes to suit your style.