DIY Origami Cat Bookmark

I made this craft using this tutorial: . I thought this is a very cute design and would love to have a new fun bookmark.
You only need a sticky note and a marker

fold your sticky note in half x2 diagonally to make the following lines:

fold your sticky note in half x2 again but this time horizontally and vertically to make the following lines:

fold each corner to the middle, the end pointing the middle, to make the following folds:

fold the upper and lower halves to the middle, to make the following folds

now do the same thing with the other sides

now unravel your sticky note, it should have the following lines:

repeat step 1 but with only one side and keep the fold like so:

fold it that same fold but using a smaller portion, up, to make the following fold:

(starting from the middle line vertically), go to the next line to the right and fold the paper horizontally to the left. Do this with both sides. Then unravel your folds. The folds should look like this:
this step is hard to explain. basically, you want to pinch a portion of the top in then fold down. do this with both sides. follow this video:

fold the inside end down, to make the following folds,

using the same part of the paper, refold it and fold it up

fold the top fold down, fold should look like this:

fold the top part down, should look like this:

turn the sticky note around, and turn 180 degrees

fold the sides in to point to the top, do this with both sides, the folds should look like this:

turn it 180 degrees

fold the bottom to the top, with the end pointing at the neck. it should look like this:

fold most of the top half down. it should look like this:
this is similar to step 10. you want to fold the sides in the fold down. Do this with both sides. Watch the video:

fold both sides of the "wings" toward the center. it should look like this:

fold the outside flap up. Should look like this:
fold the "nose" in the inside of the flap. watch the following video:
fold the ends of the bottom up then pinch the folds on the inside. do this with both sides. watch the following video:

draw a cute cat face! :)