DIY Minion Kids Cycle Head Lamp
kids love them.
Grown ups love them too!
Yup the minions!
This is a simple instructable to make a kids cycle head lamp.
Based on minion character "stuart", who loves playing ukuele all the time!
Well hes my favourite!
You probably love bob. Or kevin. Or dave. Or Maybe all of them!
The character design given here is based on Minions Movie.
In which they all wind up being prisoners, for a short time.
Instead of ukuele, i have chosen electric guitar here.
Splash creativity and make your bob, kevin,dave, mel or any one else come alive.
2 toy torches
1 cardboard piece - 15cm * 9 cm
Fabric Glue - 1
Acrylic colours - yellow, black, white, grey
Insulating tape - black
M-seal - regular epoxy compound ( grey dough ) / for the goggles. you can also use just grey acrylic paint instead.
Permanent marker ( black )
Make an Outline of Stuart / Any Minion You Love.
Search web for a cool picture of stuart / any minion you love.
And select the one you love the most.
copy it on to an chart paper.
After outlining, cut it neatly with scissors.
Fill the Colours With Acrylic Paints
head : yellow
Dress : black and white
Eyes : black in outer radius, orange in middle radius , black in centre region
Goggle/Goggles : grey
Outline on a Cardboard
trace your minions picture on a flat piece of cardboard.
Outline a Electric Guitar Along With It. Then Cut It Out.
guitar has to be coloured separately on a paper.
Then pasted on to cardboard using fabric glue
Draw a Circle for Headlamp and Cut It Out
For better outcome, use torch cap/ring to get exact dimensions
Glue a Half Piece of Torch on Back of Cardboard
This is mainly for balance and support to the overall structure.
Paint the Torch Cap/ring With Grey or Apply Grey Dough of M-seal /grey Clay
i used one torch cap as my character stuart has single lens goggles
Kevin, bob and many other minions have bilens goggles.
If your character do have bilens goggles,
You can either use
1. a dual led toy torch
2. extra torch cap
Cut the Torch Pieces According to the Picture Below
The two torch pieces have to be cut Accordingly,
1. One Torch piece has to be cut into 3 pieces : head, body and tail.
2. Other has to be cut into 2 pieces : head + body and tail.
Follow the Pic Below
Finally Fuse Both of the Pieces. I Used an Insulating Tape for Final Touches
Yup, Thats All.. Ready to Roll!
Lights On! Off to Ride
This project can be attached to your bicycle using tape or screws.
Thanks for reading.
Time to go and mess up grus lab!