DIY Jellybean Switch
The original idea and instructions for this project completed by RyanFromQA can be found by clicking here.
This project is designed to adapt an answer buzzer to be able to be used as a way to provide switch access to adapted toys.
Remove Black Pads
Remove black pads to reveal screws underneath.
Remove Screws
Remove all 4 screws.
Remove bottom of answer buzzer- there will be 3 separate pieces.
Add solder to the arrows indicated by arrows.
Cut Cable
Cut cable (we will be using the male end of the cable for this project).
Strip Cable
Strip cable so that wires from both red and white cables are shown.
Solder ends of wires for both the red and white cables.
Add Hole
Melt or drill a hole into the side of the answer buzzer.
Thread Wire
Thread wire through the hole, so that the exposed wires are in the inside.
Solder one cable to each of the areas indicated in the photos (these are the areas that had solder added in step 6). Solder the RED cable to the area labeled VDC.
Add Zip Tie
Add zip tie to cable to prevent wires from being ripped out of switch. Cut the end of the zip tie.
Reassemble switch.
Reattach Screws
Screw in 4 screws to bottom of switch.
Reattach Black Pads
Reattach black pads to bottom of switch.
Use with switch adapted toy and enjoy!