DIY Glowing Fountain

Glow your room this winter with a beautiful Glowing Fountain.
Rustickraft presents a homemade DIY Glowing Waterfall Fountain using the Acrylic sheet and Popsicle sticks.
Materials Needed:
- Popsicle Sticks
- Acrylic Sheet -
- Polyester Film
- Blue Waterproof LED -
- Water Pump 200L/Hr -
- 12V LED Adapter -
- Electric Wire
- PVC Pipe
- Bulb Holder
- Aquarium Pipe
Tools Needed:
- Soldering Iron
- Scissor
- Hot Glue
- Super Glue
Popsicle Box

So Let's Start...
- Let's gather some popsicle sticks.
- Cut the top and bottom edge of the sticks.
- Join the sticks with super glue to make a square box shape.
- Make 3 different shapes. (as shown in the imgs)
Watch the full video on YouTube and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE.
Building the Fountain

We need a Polyester Film.
- Cover the square boxes with the films.
- Now we need 3 different square size Acrylic Sheet.
- Make a hole with a soldering iron at the middle of the 3 sheets.
Light Holder

Let's take a PVC pipe
- Make a hole at the bottom of the PVC.(as shown in the imgs)
- Take a bulb holder.
- And place the PVC on the holder.
Connection of Lights and Pump

- Now wrap LED strip on the PVC.
- Then take a Water Pump.
- Join a small piece of Aquarium pipe with the Water Pump.
- Then fix the pump on the hole of PVC.
- Connect a 12V Adapter with the pump and the LED.

Now take a Fountain Planter.
- Place the bigger square box on the planter.
- Place the PVC on the middle of the square box.
- Then place the bigger Acrylic sheet.
- Then follow the steps with the other boxes and sheets. (as shown in the imgs)
- Draw lines on the sheets with hot glue.
Final Shot

Finally, the fountain is ready.
- Fill the planter with water.
- Switch on the LED and the pump.
Enjoy the beautiful Glowing Fountain.
Watch the full video on YouTube and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE.