DIY Gift Photo Album

Good afternoon, dear viewers and readers! In today's instruction, I will show you how to make a gift photo album with your own hands. The photos used in this instruction were taken by me in the summer in Riga, Latvia, where I live.

To create a gift photo album, we need:
- Photos square shape.
- Coloured cardboard.
Essential Equipment:
- Scissors.
- Ruler.
- Pencil.
- PVA glue stick.

Let's start creating a gift photo album. First you need to take a sheet of colored cardboard and mark it with a pencil and a ruler. In my case, colored cardboard has A4 format. We need to retreat 15 mm from the edge of the cardboard, then we need to mark 4 squares with dimensions of 103 by 103 mm. The remaining parts on the sheet will form the middle square when we glue everything together.

Next, with scissors, carefully and evenly cut a sheet of cardboard in half according to the markup.

The resulting strips of cardboard need to be bent according to the markings. First, we bend the edge of the cardboard with dimensions of 15 mm in width. Then we bend all the other parts of the strip forming squares.

Next, glue two strips of cardboard together to form five squares. To create a long strip, you can use cardboard larger than A4 format.
Cardboard set includes two sheets of each color of the rainbow. Thus, from two colored sheets, we form two long strips.

Then we coat the edge of one of the strips with glue and glue it in the middle of the second strip of cardboard. This process is repeated four times forming the shape of a cross.
The whole process of making cardboard strips is repeated for each color used.

Then we prepare the photos. The most important thing in the creation process is photos of the right size. In my case, the photographs are in the form of a square with dimensions of 100 by 100 mm.
Trim off the extra white parts around the edges of the photo.
Then we glue the photos to the resulting cardboard cross on all sides except for the middle part.
The whole process is repeated for each color used in the project.

Now let's prepare the photo box. The box must be formed according to the size of the resulting crosses with photographs approximately 350 mm in size. Cross length 309 mm + 40 mm to form the edges of the box.
With the help of a ruler and a pencil, we make markings along the edges of the cardboard, indent 20 mm on each side.
Then we cut out the top and bottom part of the future box from cardboard.

Next, you need to bend the sides of the resulting parts of the box and then glue the curved edges together.

Next, inside the resulting box, you need to glue crosses with photographs. Crosses are glued to each other.

Then you can enjoy the finished result. For a more aesthetic and beautiful appearance of the box, it can be decorated with a gift bow.This gift photo album will delight you and your loved ones!
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