DIY Fountain With Acrylic Sheet

Materials Needed:
- 3mm Acrylic Sheet
- 3W Water Pump (200L/Hour)
- Waterproof LED
- 12 Volt LED Adopter
- 3/4 inch Pipe
- Masking Tape
- Push Terminal
- Plug
- Electric Wire
- Bucket
Tools Needed:
- Silicone Sealant
- Super Glue
- Hot Glue
- Epoxy Resin
- Soldering Iron
- Drill
- Scissor
- X-Acto Knife
- Cutter
Decorative Items:
- Plastic Plant
- Spray Colour
- Paper Sticker
Squaring Up the Acrylic Sheet

Let’s start with 4 pcs of 3mm Acrylic Sheet of 18” x 4” and 6 small pieces of ½” x 3” for the bracing.
Place 4pc (18”) pcs side by side and make a rectangle with masking tape. (Refer images)
Attach the 4 small acrylic pieces with super glue on top of every 18-inch acrylic pieces.
Another 2 small acrylic pieces at the bottom of 2nd and 4th 18-inch acrylic pieces.
- Then fold the 18-inch acrylic sheets and stick them with the masking tape.
Watch the full video on YouTube:
The Piping

Now we need an acrylic sheet of 3" x 3.8" (Sheet 1)
- Make a hole at one corner of the acrylic sheet to attach the water pump. (Refer Images)
- Take a 3/4" make a small cut, insert an electric wire through the pipe, and seal with epoxy
Attach the long pipe with an electric wire in it at a corner with silicone sealant and dry it out.
Preparation for the Waterfall

Use an acrylic sheet of 3.8”x 3.8”(Sheet 2) with a small notch at a corner for the pipe to pass.
- Attach the sheet with Silicon Sealant on the 4 small acrylic sheets which were placed in the body of long square acrylic sheets on top.
- Then, with a soldering iron make few small holes on the sheet, to form rainwater drops.
Electric Connection

Now we need an acrylic sheet of 4"x 4 (Sheet 3).
- Cut the Blue Led into 4 small pieces.
- Take 2 LED pieces, make a parallel connection, and attach them on the acrylic sheet 3.
- Turn the sheet and spray with a silver color. (optional)
- Take a Push Terminal and make a connection with the LEDs and the electric wire.
- Attach the sheet 3 with Silicon Sealant on top of 18" long square acrylic sheets and let it dry for a couple of hours.
Water Pump Connection

Now take the acrylic sheet of 3" x 3.8". (Sheet 1)
- Attach the Water Pump with hot glue on the sheet 1.
- Put a decorative item inside (here I used an artificial plant) the18" long square acrylic sheets.
- Then attach the sheet 1 with super glue on the 2 small acrylic sheets which were placed in the body of long square acrylic sheets at the bottom.
- Take 2 LED pieces, make a parallel connection and attach them on sheet 1.
- Connect the LEDs with the pump and electric wire together and connect them with a Push Terminal.
- Then take a 12 Volt LED Adopter and connect it with the same Push Terminal.
Final Setup

- Use the paper sticker to cover the masking tape area.
- Take a bucket for water container and spray with a silver colour (optional)
- Cut the lid of the bucket and place the long acrylic sheets on the bucket.
- Then finally plug in the wire connected with the 12 Volt LED Adopter and switch it on.
Watch the full video on YouTube: