DIY Easy Faux Leather Wallet

I made this for the leather contest, and this is my first thing like this that I have made. It's made from foam faux leather, which I will tell you how to make in this project, (I found out how from here Please vote for this in the leather contest.
Supplies- Brown craft foam, Tin Foil, String, A Button, Denim Tools- Scissors, Hot glue, Needle, A Pad That Heats Up
Cut the Foam

Draw some shapes onto the foam, one of them a should be a bit bigger and have a pointy tip.
Texture the Foam

Use a ball of tin foil and press it onto the foam to give the foam a texture.

Cut 3 square pieces of denim that are a bit smaller than the square part of faux leather, and glue 2 of them on one side of the faux leather (image 2), but for the other side, glue the denim onto the faux leather with the triangular tip, and leave one end open to make a pocket (image 3). Glue the button to the wallets too, one at the top of the triangle, and one at the top of the rectangle. (image 3)
Stitch It Together

Stich all the edges of the wallet together. Make sure that they are aligned before you stitch them together.
Final Texturing

Use a heated mat and place tinfoil on top. Place the wallet on top of the foil and press down. This will give it a more leathery texture. (Final texture is image 3)

I think that this wallet turned out pretty good, especially since this is my first project with stitching involved! I hope you liked it, and please vote for it in the Leather Contest! Thanks for viewing!