DIY Conveyor Belt (laser Cut)

by SimonV50 in Circuits > Microcontrollers

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DIY Conveyor Belt (laser Cut)


Hi, this is my first instructable, I hope you like it and find it useful. I hope to make more of this engineering oriented projects. :)

This is an easy/cheap conveyor belt really useful for fast prototyping, DIY builts and school projects. I got inspired to make this instructable because recently I was tasked to make a completely automated machine, I decided to make an automated drink mixer, and for it I needed a small, cheap, easy and fast to make, conveyor belt. After searching for some hours in the internet I didn't any type of instructable or tutorial showing me how to make one, so I decided to make one myself and share my knowledge with you.

Parts and Materials


-MDF 5.5mm

-Wood glue

-2x electric 6v motor in T shape (like the one in the picture above)

-4x wheels for the motors

-An Arduino UNO (or any microcontroller for that matter)

-An Arduino cable

-One relay module


-A power supply, it will still work at 5v but not as fast or strong (battery, voltage supplier, etc)

-Foamy (or the material you want for the belt)

-Glue gun

-Double face tape

*You will need access to a laser cutter for this project

Download and Print the Files

Banda Arriba.jpg
banda lateral.jpg
banda motores.jpg
banda bases.jpg

The design was made for 5.5mm MDF, but you can redesign it for other thicknesses. The models where made in Autodesk Inventor and can be opened and modified there. In this instructable you can find the DXF files for the laser printer and the Inventor models in the following link.


Glue the Body


Glue the pieces together with the wood glue as you can see in the images. This step has to be well done so the belt can have a longer lifespan.

Tape the Motors to the Structure


Tape the motors in the main structure always facing outwards, like its shown in the picture. Before putting the tape, solder some long wires to the motors so you can connect them later to the H bridge. Also its better if you check the polarity of the motors so they are easier to connect later.

Improve the Wheels


So the wheels can have more grab with the belt you can put little dots of silicone in the outside of every wheel. This should make it easier for the wheels to move the belt.

Put the Belt in Place


Once you have chosen the material for your belt you have to put it around the main structure and the wheels. Make sure to not put it too tight or too loose, since both extremes make the conveyor belt work poorly. It is possible that you will fail at this in the first try, so get extra material to change it. :)

Connect All the Electronics


Connect the motors and the voltage supplier to the relay module. Control the module with the Arduino setting times to turn the motors on and off. This works better if the stop and go cycle is controlled by different sensors during the ride. Also, if you can, use an H bridge for better control. Select a voltage for the voltage supplier that gives you the speed you need and that can carry the weight, again, this would be easier to do with an H bridge.

It is important that you never connect any type of motors directly to the Arduino board, because motors tend to suck a lot of current, and the Arduino can't provide all of it (most probably it will just burn out).

Program the Arduino

Here there is a simple example program for you to begin training with the conveyor belt. Always double check the motors are going in the same direction, if not, the belt will probably crash. You can change this code so it can work with joysticks or your phone.

Arduino code

int Relay = 5; //we set the pin for the relay module

void setup() {


pinMode(Relay,OUTPUT); //we set the pin as an output


void loop() {

digitalWrite(Relay, HIGH); //turn on the motors for 1 second


digitalWrite(Relay,LOW); //turn off the motors for 1 second



See the Results

Example: conveyor belt

You have finished your belt!

I hope this was a good and complete instructable, and I hope you had fun making it. Make sure to leave your suggestions in the comments.

Thank you!! :)