DIY Charging Station for Three Devices

by designboi123 in Workshop > Home Improvement

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DIY Charging Station for Three Devices

Instructables Feature Video

As technology becomes more and more a crucial part of our daily lives, the need to have multiple charged devices at all times increases accordingly. Often times, we loose track of our cables or they intertangle with each other. Sometimes, we have the problem that a device is charging somewhere but you do not know where. All these problems are solved by this simple DIY charging station. It is intended for the charging of up to three devices, preferably overnight, as this would mean they are not used and the owner knows the location of his devices.

Naturally, this charging station can also be made for more or less than three devices. This would then require different measurements but the principles in creation remain the same.

Follow these few steps and soon you ( or a family member/friend) will have a customized charging station to charge and keep track of all your devices!

Gathering All Materials

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To complete this project you will need:

- Plywood

- Woodglue

- Charging extension cable

- Devices

- Chargers

- Ruler

- Pen

- Saw (scroll or hand)

- Paint (optional)

Cutting the Wood (Base)


Once you have collected all materials, it is time to begin the cutting process. Accuracy, dedication and precision in this part of the process will pay out in the end!

Depending on your individual needs, highlight the length and width of the base of your charging station with a ruler and pen on your plywood. Make sure this leaves enough space for all devices when placed horizontally or vertically.

Remember to take into consideration the size of your extension cable!

You can cut the wood either using a scroll saw, if you do take into consideration safety precautions such as glasses and perhaps gloves. Optionally, you can also use a traditional saw and cut the wood per hand.

Once you have the base, create a carbon copy of it (to be placed a top of it).

Then, cut three more pieces of plywood (1 x the length of the base, 2 x the width). Note that one side of the base will remain open, for the charging cables to attach to the devices.

Gluing the Wood (Base)


Now that all individual pieces have been cut for the base layer, it is time to combine them by gluing them together.

For this, I recommend using wood glue but any other glue of your choosing may work too.

Again, make sure to do this step accurately and remember to give the glue time to fully dry before continuing.

Cutting the Wood (Top)

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Now you have the base layer complete, ready for the extension cable to be placed inside, you can begin turning your focus to the top layer. This is where the devices will be supported and rest against.

Make sure that the width of your pieces matches the width of the base. The height will depend on your individual devices.

After highlighting the parts of the plywood you want to cut out, begin cutting your pieces using a scroll or hand saw. Make sure to do this accurately and safely.

To prevent the plywood roughing/scratching your devices, I recommend thoroughly sanding the wood after cutting and before gluing it.

Gluing the Wood (Top)


Now you have finished cutting the wood for the top and the glue on the base layer has completely dried, you can begin the final part of completing the product, gluing the top.

Remember to leave enough space in between the different pieces of woods for your devices. The pieces of wood must be straight and firmly attached to the base layer below, be especially aware of this when gluing at the side.

Once you have prepared where you will glue the pieces, begin attaching them using preferably wood glue. Do this step carefully, as some tend to rush with gluing because of fear that the glue may dry. However, this takes a while so you have time to work accurately!

Once all pieces have been glued, you can support them by attaching pieces of masking tape or some type of stands for further support.

Adding the Final Touches


Almost there! Once your glue has dried, carefully remove all supporting stands and masking tape you may have added.

If you want to, you can also paint the product.

Now, add your extension cable into the base layer and connect it to an electronic plug. Connect appropriate charging cables for the intended devices into the extension cable.

Carefully place your devices on the stand and see if they are supported. If so, connect the cables coming from the extension cable to your device and let it charge.

Step back and take a look at your finished charging station. Good work, bud!