DIY Cardboard Wings

this is a fun project that uses cardboard and cling wrap to make wings!
get template here:
For this project you need the following:
glue, cling wrap, paint/markers, scissors, cardboard, template, paper, and a printer
Step 1: Make Template

Print out the template and cut and glue according to the template.
DO NOT OVERLAP the top and bottom this will result in bad wings.
Cutting Out the Wings

Trace the template onto the cardboard with scissors and cut out.
Adding the Details

To do this step use scissors to make shapes like the picture shows on the wings then cut them out.
Adding Cling Wrap

Apply glue to back of the wing. Let dry, Then cut out with scissors.
Painting the Cling Wrap

Paint or draw on top of you cling wrap, and let dry. After paint the other side, and let dry.

enjoy you project and use as a Halloween costume or to decorate!