Exfoliation is the key to soft, clear skin. It has many benefits and it should be on everyone's shower routine. It can unclog pores, even skin tone, and it can even help other skincare products penetrate deeper. Believe it or not cinnamon can also help with acne. What better way then to make a cinnamon scrub at home! You may be having the materials lying around.
- cinnamon
- any container
- granulated sugar
- gloves (optional)
- mixing bowl
-mixing tool
- raw honey
-coconut oil
Collect Your Materials
Once you have all the materials, you will want to go to a free area around your house. The least you want to do is make a mess.
Mix Dry Ingredients
Once you are settled down, pour your desired amount of sugar in the bowl along with 3 pinches of cinnamon. Mind you, measurements are not really necessary. The whole point of this DIY is for it not to be complex.
Add Your Wet Ingredients
Next, add your honey and coconut oil. If your coconut oil is solid you would want to microwave it and melt it. Once its done, you can add it to the dry ingredients along with your raw honey.
After, you will want to mix thoroughly. The consistency needs to be thick. It can not be too crumbled up nor liquidity. You will noticed the coconut oil solidifying and that is fine.
Then, pour your sugar scrub in any container of your choice.
Enjoy your scrub, you can exfoliate on your legs and arms. It would leave your skin soft as a baby's.