DIY Blow Gun
Materials and Tools
Materials needed for this project:
5 feet of 1/2 inch PVC pipe
Small piece of 1/4 inch foam
Bamboo skewers
Hot glue
Tools needed for this project:
Flush cutters
Hot glue gun
The Blow Gun
Make sure that the ends are smooth and do not have burs.
That is it for the blow gun now to tackle the darts!
Making the Darts
Cut a skewer in half and discard the blunt side.
Cut a 1/2 inch square of foam and use the flush cutters to trim the corners so that it is round and slightly smaller then the inside diameter of the pipe.
Stab the skewer through the center of the foam disk and glue to the blunt end of the skewer as shown in picture four and five.
For a longer rang dart you may want to add wight to the end(a small piece of copper pipe?).
Firing Your Blow Gun
The dart should fit loosely in the pipe if not it will need more trimming.
To fire place the dart in the pipe.
Hold the pipe level and give a sharp blow the dart should go flying down rang at the target!