DIY - Backyard Planter Box

by Tarantula3 in Workshop > Woodworking

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DIY - Backyard Planter Box

DIY - Backyard Planter Box

I hope everybody is staying safe and well during this pandemic, and have found ways to stay busy and sane. The current situation of lock-down and working from home gave me a massive opportunity to transform lot of my scrap woods that I have been collecting for ages to convert them to something useful and mind-blowing which everyone will love and appreciate.

Hardware Requirement


For this project we need:

  • Pallet Wood

Protective equipment like:

  • Face mask
  • Glasses
  • Gloves
  • Ear Muffs

Tools like:

  • Hammer
  • Sanding Tool
  • Measuring Tape
  • Nails
  • Handsaw or Chop-saw
  • Knife
  • Pliers
  • Pencil and
  • Paint of your choice

Dismantling the Pallet


Using 2 hammers I am dismantling the pallet. My aim is to reuse all the nails that are used in building this pallet.

Redwood and Cedar are in general the best option to building a raised garden box in terms of longevity because they are naturally rot-resistant and have been known to last for up to 20 years and they looks gorgeous.



Lets start the project by sanding the planks to give them a nice and smooth texture.

Wood Cutting


After that, I am cutting the 120cm pallet planks into smaller blocks of wood with angular (45 deg) and straight ends.

The measurements of the wooden blocks will be shown in the following slides.

Square Box


To build the square box, we need:

4 x 46 cm angular edge blocks and

4 x 42 cm angular edge blocks for the 2 opposite people facing sides

4 x 50 cm angular edge blocks for the top cover

6 x 30 cm rectangular blocks for the inner decoration

4 x 50 cm rectangular blocks for the boxes legs and

10 x 42 cm rectangular blocks for sides wich will be hidden from public.

The above measurements are based on 120cm x 9.5cm x 2.5cm pallet planks and are also based on the amount of space availabe in my garden.

To start the project, I am putting the two people facing sides together. For that I am joining the 2x46cm and 2x42cm blocks with the 50cm legs. Then, I am adding the 3x30cm rectangular blocks to fill in the inner gap. Once thats done, its just a matter of putting the 10x42cm rectangular blocks to build the other two sides. To wrap it all up, I am adding the 4x50cm blocks that I kept aside for the top bit.

Rectangular Box


To build the rectrangular box, we need:

4 or 6 x 38 cm blocks for the sides

4 x 42 cm blocks for the boxes legs and

6 x 120 cm rectangular blocks for the people facing sides

Making this box is way easier than the square box. We just need to join the 3x120cm planks to the 2x50cm legs and then join the two sides using the 38cm blocks. Thats it, all done.



Alright, so that's all with the nails and the hammers.

In the next section, with the help of my partner I am going to paint the exterior of the boxes. In total, we painted 10 Square Boxes and 9 Rectangular Boxes for our garden.


Once all the boxes were painted, we started looking for some amazing plants from our garden for these boxes. But, since the number of boxes are way too many so we ended up giving up our plan and selected Plan-B of getting some good ones from the nurseries once the lockdown is over.

So, thats all for now. Stay safe and stay at home. Maintain hygine and practice social distancing as these are the only ways of staying alive.


DIY - Backyard Planter Box

This is another beautiful creation of the wooden pallet that is recycled into an excellent piece of work.

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