DIY Arduino Camping Light

by j05421 in Craft > Cardboard

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DIY Arduino Camping Light

May 20, 2019

This machine is made for those at camping sights. Since Camping sights have little to no exit lights provided, the danger of not escaping during an emergency might cause severe damage. Therefore, this little tool is made up of two white and two green lights. In the midst of darkness, the two white lights will shine and lead the way. And when the right button is pushed down, the right green light shines through, making leading the way to exist very clear and easy. The same ideology goes for the green light on the left. As of result, this tool could easier make survival much less of a hassle when it comes to danger.

List of Materials for Arduino

- 2 Led light bulbs that are green

- 2 Led light bulbs that are white

- 4 10kΩyellow connectors

- 2 blue Ω connectors

- 16 jumping wires

- 2 Big Buttons

- Arduino Leonardo Board

- Arduino Bread Board

- Blue USB cord

List of Materials of the BOX

- Thick cardboard

- Pencil

- Ruler

- Exacto Knife

- A piece of A4 white paper

How to Make It (Procedure)


1. Prepare all listed materials from above
2. Input all wires, connectors, Buttons, lights needed onto the Arduino Board

3. Input the digital code on ArduBlock

4. Submit and transfer the code given below:

5. Begin to prepare for the outer design of the machine by cutting the thick cardboard into five pieces of 20 by 13 cm for three of the pieces and 10 by 13 cm for the other remaining two pieces

6. Prepare to hot glue three pieces of 20 by 13 horizontally, creating a rectangle box without one of the faces.

7. Then hot glue down the 10 by 13 pieces, which are the sides to the rectangle looking box to the ends of the rectangle.

8. Place the Arduino Board with the USB cord wired in, into the rectangle box

9. Then cut two holes on top of the box where the Board is facing up, so that the two big buttons on the Board could be shown

10. The holes could be poked by scissors or sharp tools; the holes do not have to look exact, as long as the buttons could be inserted inside.

11. Then cut out a 20 by 13 cm A4 white paper by using an Exacto- knife

12. Place the cut out A4 white paper onto the top of the rectangle where one of the faces are missing

13. Then Tape down the paper

14. And lastly, remember to cut out a little hole on the left side of the box, which is at the rear down-left end of the 10 by 13 cm cardboard, to ensure that the USB cord could be plugged into the battery

15. Finished


May 20, 2019