DIY 30V10A Power Supply From Pc Source Without Step-down

by DIY_Marius_electro in Circuits > Tools

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DIY 30V10A Power Supply From Pc Source Without Step-down

30V10A DIY power supply without Step-down from PC source

simple and cheap power supply,under 10 USD


I've made a lot of DIY lab bench power supply in classical way as seen on YT with smps 36v supply and 20A step-down.But 2 times the step-down module got defective and not in big amps and big volts,just 5v and 0,5 A.

That's why I decided to do a new approach,Diy power supply cheap,reliable,safe without the expensive and sensitive Stepdown.

Power Supply


This is the power supply that I used for this project.I removed all the parts from secondary part,and I kept only 12v parts,where I replaced the capacitors with 35V,and the part for standby-5V.initialy had 12V 40A.not need to change the original transformer,at tests it can give us 45V.

Voltage and Current Regulation


I got my inspiration from this schematic,but in my tests had some disadvantages:

-reference voltage in not very stable because the current is variable because the supply voltage is between 5-30v

-when the current is put to 0,the main voltage drops to 0 ,same the refrence voltage,and when we increase the current adjust ,output voltage remains 0,and we have to start again the power supply.

My Version of a V Regulation


u can see some changes from the original:

-0,1 ohm 10w for R11

-5V supply

-R7 has no value,u can put it only if u want to lower the output voltage ,can be 1K or less

Final Photos


I invite u to do this project for u if u need a cheap and good power supply.if u want the pcb design,write a comment on yt and I can make it.

pls take care of mains voltage,do this only if u have proper experience.

If u find it helpfull pls like share and subscribe

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