DIY 10W LED Flashlight

by Unboxingexperience7 in Circuits > LEDs

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DIY 10W LED Flashlight

homemade 10W LED flashlight
Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-11 um 23.04.51.png

All you need is

  • a heatsink
  • 10W high power Led
  • 5W 1,5 Ohm resistor
  • LM 350 regulator
  • thermal compound
  • wires
  • 3s Lipo
  • a lipo connector
  • on/off switch
  • soldering tin
  • soldering iron
  • multitool

Wire the Regulator

Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-11 um 23.05.36.png
Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-11 um 23.06.11.png
Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-11 um 23.06.25.png

  • The LM350 regulator gives constant 1.2 volts between ADJ and Vout. Connect the two outputs with a resistor.
  • 1.2 (constant voltage of regulator) divided by 0,9 (900mA power consumption of LED) equals 1,33. The closest resistor value I have found is 1,5 Ohm, the output will be 800mA

Connect LED

Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-11 um 23.06.45.png
Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-11 um 23.06.55.png

  • red wire goes to + of LED
  • blue wire goes to + of the battery through the on/off switch
  • green wire goes to - of the battery through the on/off switch

Wire On/off Switch

Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-11 um 23.07.20.png
  • wire the green (-) and blue wire (+) to the on/of switch
  • wire the lipo connector to the on/off switch

Install the LED on the Heatsink

Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-11 um 23.07.50.png

  • use thermal compound!

Build a

Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-11 um 23.09.19.png
Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-11 um 23.09.29.png
Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-11 um 23.09.41.png

  • Build a frame, you can use for example wood
  • Connect the lipo
  • Turn on the switch :-)