DIY : 10800 MAH Power Bank

by ER GREAT in Circuits > Electronics

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DIY : 10800 MAH Power Bank

Power Bank New.jpg

I made a Power Bank of 10800 MAH Using Li-Ion Batteries. It works very well and charges upto 2-mobile phones of 4000 MAH easily.

I explained the process in easiest way to make it.

Let's make it...

Take PVC Pipe


Take PVC Pipe. It can be of any size. Here I took PVC of 3" diameter.

Make It Straight


Now we have to cut it in it's middle as shown in the picture-1 and Heat it on the fire by moving it left to right.

and when it gets hot, put it down inside of any straight material (May be inside MDF Board) until dried.

To understand easily please watch my video on "ER GREAT" YouTube channel.

Click here >> Power Bank Video

Make it straight as Shown in picture-3. Don't worry it is getting straight easily. Just try once.

Cut It Into Different Sizes


Cut this Straight PVC Pipe into different layers at the size of a power bank and keep in mind it's size should be greater than Li-ion Battery.

The layers would be for Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Back and front.

NOTE : Use hacksaw blade to cut it better and sand paper to make it smooth.

Stick It


Next we have to stick it from all 5 sides using Super Glue. and after dried make it smooth by rubbing it on the sand paper.

after rubbing it it will look like as shown in the above pictures.

Solder Li-ion Batteries

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Take six pieces Li-ion batteries. One battery should be of 1800 MAH.I used Nickel strip to connect the batteries.

NOTE : To increase the MAH of Power Bank take 2200 MAH of a single battery or more.

Now we have to connect all the batteries in parallel. Parallel means connect all the positive side of batteries to each other and all negative of batteries to each other as shown in the picture.

Precaution : Always keep in mind that never should short Positive and Negative wire to each other. It could be very dangerous for you.

Connect a Push Button Switch


Take a Power Bank Module of 2-charging socket. It may of 1A, 2A...

And connect a Push Button switch to the parallel of the push button switch of module as I connected in the picture.

Connect Batteries to the Module


Next we have to connect Parallel connected batteries to the Power bank module. It's very easy.

>> Solder +ve of parallel connected batteries to B+ of the Power Bank Module.

>> Solder -ve of parallel connected batteries to B- of the Power Bank Module as connected in the pictures.

Verify the Circuit


Press the push button switch and check the charging level of batteries. Also check that it charges our mobile phones or not before inserting inside it into the PVC Pipe's case.

If it work well then follow next step.

If it doesn't works then check it's circuit / Voltage of the Batteries. Short out the problems...

Put All Circuit Inside of PVC Case


Now make the holes in the case for output charging socket, Input charging socket, Push button Switch and and also for the LED's.

Use drill to make holes perfect.

and then put all the circuits inside of this case and stick batteries with glue stick and stick module with super glue.

NOTE : Keep in mind that Super Glue shouldn't go in the charging sockets. It can damage your module.

After that stick also the front layer of the power bank using super glue.

Make It Smoother


Again rub it onto the sand paper and make it smoother as much it could be smooth.



Cover all the open points where we don't have to paint. I used cello tape to cover it and heat sink tube to cover push button switch.

and then paint it. I am using white spray paint to paint it.

TIPS : To make smooth painting paint two or three times into it.

Put for the Charging


After dried the paint open it's sticked tapes and put it for the charging. If its full charge then



Now use this power bank. Finally it's done. Now give me party😂

I would like to suggest you please watch YouTube video >> DIY : 10800 MAH Power Bank

Buy all Components -

1. Li-ion Batteries

2. Super Glue

3. Power Bank 2A Module

4. Nickel Strip

5. Push Button Switches

6. White Spray Paint

Thank You